Super Freak
Unfortunately for him he's apparently about to be announced as Cobra Commander Batman and Robin.
You're kidding right?
Unfortunately for him he's apparently about to be announced as Cobra Commander Batman and Robin.
You're kidding right?
I was much more affected by Cobain's death, but I would definitely put this at #3 for how much I actually felt affected (I would put Gene Kelly at #2. I loved that guy).
(is it tasteless to rate things like that?)
Oh and George Harrison. I was surprised at the shock when he died... So I guess Heath Ledger is #4.
More here:
Tom Cruise duped by Ledger Impostor
Some people are really pieces of ****.
It's great to hear that anecdote from Nolan. Very cool, and Ledger sounds like someone who was really great to work with - a true workaholic, but passionate in a way that inspired everyone else to do the best they could right along with him.
Out of all the young celebrities in the world, it's definitely sad that Heath was the one who had to go... I've loved him since A Knight's Tale (which I, unabashadly, have a great fondness for - Wash is in it, and so is Paul Bettany, who I love... and of course a very cute Heath Ledger). And I LOVED loved loved him in Brokeback Mountain - a simple, quiet, beautiful love story. I'll miss seeing him on the big screen for sure.
On another note, I was watching The Lookout the other night, and was struck by how much Joseph Gordon-Levitt reminds me of Ledger. Very similar bone structure and facial expressions. And he's a brilliant actor - loved him in Brick. The Lookout is not that great, but it was interesting and worth watching. It was just spooky how much he immediately reminded me of Heath.
Wow. Just watched TMZ and this was the top story. Crazy how I would have NEVER thought he was a drug user let alone an abuser.
So sad.
Official toxicology report:
Acute intoxication due to accidental overdose of at least six prescription drugs.
Just too many at one time. Sad story still.
.....and don't trust what a friends copper mate says neither. It's a dastardly world it is.
Sad and tragic. The arc this story has followed has only hardened my disdain for the media in general (especially the "entertainment" reporters).
Official toxicology report:
Acute intoxication due to accidental overdose of at least six prescription drugs.
Just too many at one time. Sad story still.
i would look closer at who prescribed so many drugs that may have a detrimental reaction with eachother. also, i am not a drug taker, i hate pills. i would have never taken two prescribed drugs at the same time for fear of a bad interaction. he had six different drugs in him. a bad and not smart chance for him to take imo.
They weren't all prescribed in this country. And yes, it is irresponsible to mix meds. RIP Heath
The old cliche says "in every cloud there is a silver lining".
I used to believe, given the adoration so many young people have for musicians, actors, athletes and popular culture figures, that the more who end up dead due to drug use, eventually it will convince young people to turn their backs on such risky behavior.
Boy was I naive.
And the clouds just keep rolling in.
Risky behavior. He was sick, couldn't sleep and probably did not know that anti-anxiety pills and sleeping pills didn't mix. And if the prescriptions were from different doctors in different countries, how would he have a clue. Its not like he was out mixing up meth and taking 8 balls. This is not a typical drug overdose from some idiot out partying. He accidently and probably with out intention took the wrong mix of stuff, and probably did not know any better.
I have three kids because my wife did not know that taking antibiotics while on the pill makes the pill not work, and I would bet there are plenty of other kids out there for the same reason. We weren't irresponible, no one told us until after the fact.
Heath's death is nothing like Jim, Jimi's, or Curt's death. These were not illegal drugs and he wasn't on a all night binge party. He was sick, didn't feel well, couldn't sleep and mixed the wrong meds. It only takes one sleeping pill mixed with one anti-anxiety pill to kill some people, and most people don't know to mix those two meds.