Heath Ledger Joker Customs

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Pretty much how I've felt since his earlier photos. The sculpt gives a really nice sense of realism and likeness to Heath that I don't get from other custom sculpts.

All of his photos so far of the sculpt painted has felt like you're looking at a behind the scenes costume test session. Glad I jumped on the run last minute.
I like the eyes here but not the mouth, I think the slightly closed eyes were a great choice and a breath of fresh air on this. Because of the open mouth, some angles make the sculpt look really weird to me. The noticeable top eyelids are spot on Heath.

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Dio - see if John can get us different angles of it, I think it looks best from an angle like this kind of head on, slightly off to where the mouth isn’t too distracting. I say bring on more sculpts with eyelids like these.

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That looks like a shot straight out of the film. Wow. Reminds me of the party scene.

That’s what held me back from this, the mouth was too specific. The eyes could work with plenty Heath sculpts which I really back seeing more of.

So Heise will not be doing any of these?
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Is there any chance of John doing another run?
I would hope he'd do something different. Once edition sizes are set, I think it should be honored. Otherwise you end up with something like that Ambrosia - Artisan head that's been reproduced too many times to amount to any worth. I will say though, 15 was pretty low. I think See Art's was 50.
I like the eyes here but not the mouth, I think the slightly closed eyes were a great choice and a breath of fresh air on this. Because of the open mouth, some angles make the sculpt look really weird to me. The noticeable top eyelids are spot on Heath.

View attachment 713904
I'd take a page out of John's book and axd a little more red on the lip

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I think the red & blacks are fine, the white neck paints gotta go. It shouldn’t be on his neck but the underneath of his chin, which somewhat appears like his neck when he’s talking or moving his jaw.

That (our left, his right) eye is spot on Heath, the other one not so much. It looks really good when the right eye is predominantly in view.
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As talented as John is, and he is mighty talented, I do think it'd be a miss not to give this Heise's touch. I think only Aybaig has a spot booked for this one that I know of.
Isn't Heise's no longer taking commission? I'd throw extra money his way if he was open to it but I thought he wanted to stop.

I do think the white on his neck needs to be cut off earlier. It's running a bit too far down.

I do think the white on his neck needs to be cut off earlier. It's running a bit too far down.

That’s as far as it should go for this sculpt because his mouth is open, that’s a part of his chin and jaw when closed. It’s not really paint on his neck like people think, it’s just how our chins work. You can see in the same scene, the bottom of his chin towards his neck isn’t even painted. Also, I think Heise needs even less red paint.

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