Heath Ledger Joker Customs

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i don't understand the point of all this teasing. What's there to tease anyway?
Either the coat is good, or it's not. If you're confident in it, just put it on an Inart body and let people decide for themselves. Take in some feedback.

They keep setting dates and pushing, and setting dates, and pushing, and setting dates, and pushing...

Wasn't the final prototype supposed to be finshed months ago already?

Let's keep tossing these coats on a table and taking bad pictures.

But don't worry everyone.

We think you're going to be happy.

View attachment 718270

This was posted today, not sure if final is supposed to look like what we’ve been shown or not. In any case, I’m not happy with what’s been shown and without major changes then it’s looking like a refund.

Similar paint to that, not sure how this sculpt would look with the other makeup styles, he sculpted based on the Interrogation room.
That's disappointing...
That's disappointing...
Yeah I agree, on the bright side, I don’t want to come up with an extra $700 to pay Heise with the other payments I have around this time so that $450 would look better elsewhere.
Yeah I agree, on the bright side, I don’t want to come up with an extra $700 to pay Heise with the other payments I have around this time so that $450 would look better elsewhere.
I think that's a good idea, better invest that money in the Heise headsculpt.
I know you enough now to say that you're not going to be happy with this.
I think that's a good idea, better invest that money in the Heise headsculpt.
I know you enough now to say that you're not going to be happy with this.
I feel a bit dishonest for putting a friend onto this run due to the faith I put into it with the notes. We both didn’t think Hye Hwa was the right tailor for a task this big but figured we’d exhausted all of our other options and no one has got it correct yet.
I feel a bit dishonest for putting a friend onto this run due to the faith I put into it with the notes. We both didn’t think Hye Hwa was the right tailor for a task this big but figured we’d exhausted all of our other options and no one has got it correct yet.
Understandable, but your friend made the ultimate call to pull the trigger, not you.
If you don't feel it better try to get a refund I think.
Nothing dishonest about that.
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For some reason or another, I’m never on the same page with either a run organizer or a tailor. The new Iris Bruce Wayne suit being a rare exception, due to working with two of the best in the hobby, otherwise it’s apparent it falls on deaf ears. It’s an amazing thing when a project clicks.
Your destiny is to be the organiser dude, this is the way.
Haha if only there were available tailors to organize a run for! After all of these attempts it genuinely makes me want to learn how to make a Ledger coat myself. Would need to invest in a sewing machine but I’ve always wanted to learn it.
I have hope, one day you'll get the opportunity and you'll make the best one.
The kongwork coat is too square and bulky, it was actually tailored well to Heath. It should taper at the waist a bit in the back & sides.
