Wow, Spud! Those are some clean markings on that guy. Are those decals or painted?
We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight, and we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois' Law Enforcement Community who have chosen to join us here in the Palace Hotel Ballroom at this time. We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show, and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me them, everybody, everybody.
Wow, those are some sharp lines. Nice work.
My end of the year entry.
Still have to work out the height difference. SS Resevoir Dogs suits from Toy Anxiety a loooong time ago. Rocco sculpts painted by Steven Giunta.
Very clean work as always Spud. Love the custom sniper gun.
Just wondering, are you going to parting out any DiD Robert Chicago Gangster II's? There's a few parts I want, and I don't really want to have to resort to EvilBay if I can avoid it...
Yes, we will absolutely be parting that one out. We part out nearly all DID products. Thanks!
Dec Entry.
Cobra Ninja-Viper.
Sword, head, hands from TA. Outfit by Spider and me.