I told my wife that I was giving Heroes ONE last chance to win me over this season (with last night's episode), otherwise I was ready to ditch the show completely as it was boring the snot out of me. FINALLY we got an episode that had the same amount of energy and purpose that the first season offered. I'm a believer again... However, I admit I fast-forwarded through the all the TWINS segments, which helped me enjoy this episode a lot more. From the glimpses I caught while speeding through those scenes it looks like it was just more of the same dreck with those 2. I believe Kring has said certain new characters will die off in the conclusion of this 'Generations' story arc (before moving forward with a clean slate for the 2nd half of the season), forgive me for saying it but I sure hope the twins are the first on the chopping block. Seems natural anyway, seeing as Sylar has spent the entire season thus far plotting to kill them both anyway.
I also have to say I find ADAM much, much more interesting in his current incarnation than as the cheesy Kensei. Bravo for that transition... As someone said, I like not knowing who's side he's on. Looking forward to next week!
p.s. I don't know know what's more disturbing about Maya... The fact that people die when she cries, or the fact that she cries ALL THE DAMN TIME!
I did the same thing (fast-forwarding through the super-power twins-- FORM OF CRYBABY...ACTIVATE!)
I like the pacing and having this episode now-- especially after the great episode of last week. I certainly hope the twins die soon and Sylar gets back on track--- but of course they spoke about him leaving the show for a bit to film Star Trek so maybe they were going to shift all of the heavy to Adam-- but with the writer's strike I guess that really isn't an issue anymore.
Twins gone--- Cheerleader soap opera finished soon too hopefully.