I would have only bought one (I think...) but I don't really have a problem with those who bought two. I have a problem with the half-assed way SS handled this whole issue.
I didnt get anything but an apologetic email about my recently cancelled 2nd chance Rambo III fig - I was on the wait-list so automatically went striaght thru to 2nd chance but after 10 days of being in "processing" I finally got an email saying they had over-sold their quantities and what they had left was damaged figs and already spoken for by others. No gift code, just the email.SSC should cancel all these "second chance" orders, send a gift card to those who ordered this with an explanation and retrieve those files and offer the pieces to the Waitlisters who waited 2 friggin' years.
Bad practice SSC.. you still have a chance do do the right thing.
I didnt get anything but an apologetic email about my recently cancelled 2nd chance Rambo III fig - I was on the wait-list so automatically went striaght thru to 2nd chance but after 10 days of being in "processing" I finally got an email saying they had over-sold their quantities and what they had left was damaged figs and already spoken for by others. No gift code, just the email.
...somehow they find the figure and off it goes to 2nd chance or off to some contest...
that sucks big time dude. how do you oversell something when the site doesnt allow more orders than there are stock.
Wow, where was all this interest when these figures were first offered?
I hope the perceived value of Hicks hasn't made people go crazy.
Wow, where was all this interest when these figures were first offered?
Wow, where was all this interest when these figures were first offered?
I hope the perceived value of Hicks hasn't made people go crazy.
This thread has some crazy attention. Congrats to all who got in on this.
I'm ^^^ing pissed cuz I just received the newsletter 30 mins ago. thanks a million SS.