Hono Studio 1/6 Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - Spider-Man (Homemade Suit)

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 15, 2008
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The upcoming animated series "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" will delve into the character's early comic book roots and pay homage to the beloved character's origins. HONŌ STUDIO is thrilled to introduce a 1/6th scale action figure of Spider-Man in his Homemade Suit, which perfectly captures the essence of Peter Parker's superhero growth. This 1/6th scale figure features Spider-Man’s classic Homemade Suit, paired with a navy sportswear set, a red masked head covered in fabric, and protective red knee pads. It also comes with an array of accessories that reflect Peter's dual life as a superhero and student, including a belt with a web fluid canister and fluid tubing, a black backpack, and bendable web strings. This action figure is a dream come true for any die-hard Spider-Man fan, perfectly capturing the spirit of the beloved character.

















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I am thinking that there was strong encouragement from Disney for Hot Toys to make this figure to promote the series that is premiering this week. I am sure there will be other figures from the series that will be solicited in the future.
Terrible design. That's one of the major reasons I'm not excited about this show. But it makes sense that they try to capitalize on this.
I don’t even think it’s a terrible design. It’s a pretty good homemade low budget prototype suit.

Looks better than the MCU version.
WTF is this? :dunno

Why in the world is this a Hono figure. Because it's cheap? This is not a comic book figure. This should be part of the Hot Toys TMS line. Hono already straying from the path of the classic comic book figures.

On top of that, It's from the new abysmally bad looking cartoon. This new Spider-Man looks horrendous. I guess they felt left out and needed something to compete with DC's equally bad My Adv With Superman...
Why in the world is this a Hono figure. Because it's cheap? This is not a comic book figure. This should be part of the Hot Toys TMS line. Hono already straying from the path of the classic comic book figures.
I'm still not clear on precisely what Hono is. Is it a separate design entity altogether from Hot Toys? The connecting thread thus far does seem to be very bare bones figures that are not overly complex. That actually suits me because I very rarely go deep into the accessories for a given figure. Having extra head options would be nice, but. . .bigger picture, the designs have never fully satisfied me yet, which is something I am less happy with. Wolverine should have been an easy slam dunk but massive wings on the sculpt, massive claws, the underoos, and even the color choice on the tiger stripe version would seem easy to address without extensive costs, but no.

At least this figure looks accurate to the source, and seems to do what it aims to do well. Imagine if they used this line to do X-Men '97 figures, old school animated Spidey characters, or even Marvel live action characters that aren't quite popular enough to warrant full on releases. That would be a good thing.
I like the bulky, mechanical early webshooters but that's about it. The sports-like look of the outfit seems very un-Peter Parker.

Still, to their credit, Hono Studio did nail translating the design into a figure. The tailoring, details, articulation, and accessories are all technically good looking.
I will probably order it if the price is in line with the lower end Hono figures. Not really a fan of the design but I am a Spider-man guy.