Mr. EcKo
OG Freak
Anyone has a Joker they wanna trade - i'll hook you up nicely
So he should be punished because he is young or has a low post count? Neither of which is especially apt, by the way. You totally bemuse me Bat Freak. When people bash you over your undisguised, obviously one-sided 'All things Burton love affair/Bro-mance' you quote your entitlement to an opinion....
...then you bash him for having his, now that is trulyworthy.
I also assume that you did not appear on this forum, fully formed with an already 1000+ post count and in truth, if you look at some of the members here then 1000+ is not very much either. Some might say that you too are still a 'newb' compared to some here.
"NEWB" as an insult. You do realise that this usage actually exposes a lot more about you and your closed attitude than it does the actual 'newb'.
And I hate to go all 'Little House On The Prairie' or uber-DISNEY on you, but truth is, most of us can see past our own self imposed barriers and move past them. It's what a person does as they mature, we are all growing emotionally, all the time...well, most of us are.
You're all newbs.
My Joker.
Anyone has a Joker they wanna trade - i'll hook you up nicely
Post fixed.
I do not understand why change Evil face's post to suit your own opinion?
this is simply a matter of taste. i loved that they made penguin a sort of half-animal (was he or was just pretending?) mutant type of deformed guy rather then just a really lame little chubby british guy in a "penguin" suit no different then the burgess meredith version. penguin honestly, before burton was never one of my favorite villians cuz he was so boring. burton reinvented him into this tortured almost tragic character but who is still one of the most evil of the batman movie villians, but his revenge tactics, though evil, are justified because of what happened to him as a child. i dont think anyone but burton could have given this rather silly 2d character from the comics as much depth and pathos while also being quite hilarious and over the top villian. some of the most memorable lines are spoken by him in the film. ledgers joker on the other hand....this is a character that is awsome both in the comics as well as the 60's show, there really didnt need to be any tampering with him to make him "up to date" with the times or darker, cuz he already is. when you already have a near perfect joker like nicholson, everyone else just seems pretty dumb in comparison. i expected joker to be more wacky and coolin the new one, not quite like nicholson but still similiar, but i was dissapointed, even upset that they made him into this average serial killer and not the joker. no gags, no jokes really, his laugh SUCKED. i was just very dissapointed and thus i cant watch that movie without thinking "WTF did they do to joker??" everytime.
He's only got the one.
What do you mean he only has the one? He changed Evil Post's quote with his own words to suit his opinion.
Exactly. BAT FREAK's only got that one single opinion. He reprints it every time, in all of his own posts and now he even repeats it in other people's posts too, in this case EVILFACE's.
I do not understand why change Evil face's post to suit your own opinion?
My Joker.
So basically you are saying that you shouldn't even bother to respond to anything BatFreak says. This is because he is always right and if you do not like Burton's disaster of Penguin IMO, he will just keep going on and on about it and change people's quotes? That is _____ked up!
oh yeah, in the same way that these nolan fannerds constantly have to say crap like NOLAN IS TEH BEST AND ALL OTER BATMAN MOVIES SUXXX CUZ DEY ARE R OLD & DUM.
like i said, NEWBS. sick of them. im sick of hearing the constant "nolan this nolan that" when the fact is not everyone thiks that way. i find it to be pretty one sided here alot of times. you are allowed to say NOLAN RULES BURTON SUX YEEAH but dare you said nolan sucks and that you prefer tim burton or any other directors vision for the character and you get WHAAAAA U HATEIN UR OPINION SUXXX.
stupid. if this is what fan forums, particularly for batman, have become, then i want no part of it.
also like woodward said, if you dont like my opinion then dont listen or read my posts, or put me on ignore. but im sticking to what i say and you better deal with it just like how i deal with yours all the time.
You put too much stock in one number, in one single forum my friend.