Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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How about a cake float throne dio for this guy, HT? I know that I want my Keaton Bats to be telling my Burton Batmobile to "stop" right in front of him, and the only way that I think it won't look weird for Jack to be by his lonesome is if he's got an equally impressive dio (unfortunately, he didn't drive anything) to call his own.
My Terminator was like that. The eyes wouldn't go up. They eventually did though. No breakage.

PERS is so much fun huh? :lol

PERS would be a great system if only it were not so damned fragile. It was an absolute must on the '89 BATMAN and Joker figures, specially the Bat due to his inability to move his head (just like Keaton himself in the suit). Personally I have been lucky so far, but there are many Freaks with broken, jammed or otherwise reluctant eye movement.
Personally I have been lucky so far, but there are many Freaks with broken, jammed or otherwise reluctant eye movement.

Oh fudge... Really? I have to take them out again and check then! I was just pleased that the eyes aren't crooked on both of them so didn't check the PERS on mine.
Let me tempt you with a couple of pics


Still one of HTs best imo.

Best pose I've seen. :clap
Absolutely! Been saying that myself but you summed it up in one awesome sentence! Woth your permission, I'd like to use it as my sig

Of course :wink1:

Uhhhhhhhh. It was a huge blockbuster.

We could buy Hot Toys in 89? :wink1:

I think SS might mean the timing of the two events, the release of the figures as merchandise that is relative to the release of the films

You get the bonus prize!! :)

There are significantly more people currently in love with Bale Bats and Ledger Joker than Keaton/Nicholson. The sales reflect this.
Also torrents weren't invented back then. :lol

Dark Knight Rises was a film that was meant to be seen in theaters. Seeing a bootlegged version on your pc or on your tv at home does not even begin to compare. Plus, I know people as well as myself that saw that film multiple times in theater (4 for me). Even with all that said, it still didn't sell as many tickets as 89 Batman.
89 Batman was like - the only thing for the year though apart from maybe Indie?. Back when they weren't churning out superhero movie after movie and you had to wait like a year or more before it came to home video.

Movie's are different these days. Watch a bunch of trailers and read a couple of internet reviews and you've pretty much seen the movie before stepping out of your front door. Then you can buy the Blu Ray 5 months later.

Plus it was really the first proper Batman film.
As BATMAN fans, we have been rather spoilt, with three excellent versions of the Bat.

The animated show

Superman and Spiderman have not been quit so lucky.

:exactly::lecture I love keaton batman, It was a very important part of my childhood, with the animated series.
Bale is great too, I fell like a kid when watch TDK on the theaters, and he got all the cool merchandise from HT
hope animated series got a batman figure... so far arkham city batman will do it.

ahhh, arkham series batman was great too!!! it's a game, but it's an amazing representation of bats and joker
:thud: That's one helluva deal!! Where??

In guang zhou china. Local mall I visit every once in a while where on the top floor is a toy haven. Every time I went there, dx 08 continually would drop in price. In fact 1 month ago they were selling him for $190. I also picked up tracker pred there for $150 as well.

These stores I frequent rarely drop the prices on their I was pretty perplexed as to why they did. They had 2 dx09s selling for $200 last month. They're gone now of course.