Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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Just did a spot check tonight on BBTS, 189 still in stock. Only $47,000 if you want to order them all lol. I think I'll pick this up next month.
yeah notice how many have been unloading this figure in the FS section lately???Amazing (I sold my extra one but still have the keeper)

Yeah, I honestly think this didn't sell as well as HT had hoped. It definitely didn't sell as good as Keaton.

I don't have a lot of display room so I always have to rotate. These haven't been rotated off the shelf since I bought them. I always think about doing it but when it comes down to it I never do. One time I got tired of all the clutter and put all my figures aways but these two.
Got him over the weekend and couldn't be happier with it. Just as great as the 89' Batman! Makes me really excited to see how they do with the Returns line because they knocked it out of the park with the 89' movie.


Got him over the weekend and couldn't be happier with it. Just as great as the 89' Batman! Makes me really excited to see how they do with the Returns line because they knocked it out of the park with the 89' movie.



Congrats are in order! Jack Joker is a must have.

Coat over coat?...that's hardcore. But then again, your not hardcore unless you live hardcore.
Congrats are in order! Jack Joker is a must have.

Coat over coat?...that's hardcore. But then again, your not hardcore unless you live hardcore.

:lol yeah I was trying to get him to look like he did at the end of the movie on the float. I just don't want to button the coat because I really like the clothing detail underneath and want it to show.
the parts on this can also be got for really cheap. just picked up the tailcoat and hat for less than half the typical buy-it-now price on ebay.

89 bat & jokes ought to be "my generation" but i am not and never was a fan, so i agree the appeal may be more niche-y than expected.
As much as i loved this piece, Its come to that time where im considering selling it on. It just doesn't fit in my collection. I have one batman Detolf and it is all nolan, EB bats, DX12, bane and soon to be DX11. I never picked up the DX09 so he just seems out of place to me without bats.
I've no real interest in the keaton bats, Great film and keaton did a great job but i just couldn't bring myself to pick it up. Whats wrong with Bane? in hand he's a great figure and i've no intention of ''ditching him''.

I never grew up with the 89 film either so these aren't iconic to me. I grew up with the schumacher ones ''shudder'', while they aren't iconic to me either but still. I enjoyed Nolans take and is the direction i wanted to take my collection.
Bane was not just one of the worst characters in a Batman movie he was one of the worst characters in a movie ever, I didn't understand a word he was saying for the whole film!
Bane was not just one of the worst characters in a Batman movie he was one of the worst characters in a movie ever, I didn't understand a word he was saying for the whole film!

I never picked him up because of his perfomance, i picked him because i liked the design of his character. Also the whole can't understand him fiasco i never understood. I had no trouble throughout the film hearing him i disliked his tone of voice mind you but i had no issue understanding him :dunno.
I've no real interest in the keaton bats, Great film and keaton did a great job but i just couldn't bring myself to pick it up. I never grew up with the 89 film either so these aren't iconic to me.

Ah, didn't know. I figured that since you had the DX 08 Joker, you must have enjoyed the character and film enough to buy the figure. If you liked the character and film, then surely you must have liked Batman.

Plus Batman was way cheaper than Joker (not anymore though) and one of the best figures Hot Toys' has done. Probably their best Batman so far, with the DX 12 being second.

Whats wrong with Bane? in hand he's a great figure and i've no intention of ''ditching him''.

Figure? Nothing. Good figure, nice sculpt. Awful, silly character though (imo of course).

Seemed like you were at a cross roads with your collection for your detolf shelf and weren't sure if you wanted the Joker or not. Just a suggestion. You'd have TDK Bats and TDK Joker and '89 Batman and '89 Joker, probably the best 4 characters in all 7 films. It would make for good symmetry too along with your 1/4 Begins suit Batman.

That's all.
Ah, didn't know. I figured that since you had the DX 08 Joker, you must have enjoyed the character and film enough to buy the figure. If you liked the character and film, then surely you must have liked Batman.

Plus Batman was way cheaper than Joker (not anymore though) and one of the best figures Hot Toys' has done. Probably their best Batman so far, with the DX 12 being second.

Figure? Nothing. Good figure, nice sculpt. Awful, silly character though (imo of course).

Seemed like you were at a cross roads with your collection for your detolf shelf and weren't sure if you wanted the Joker or not. Just a suggestion. You'd have TDK Bats and TDK Joker and '89 Batman and '89 Joker, probably the best 4 characters in all 7 films. It would make for good symmetry too along with your 1/4 Begins suit Batman.

That's all.

I enjoyed the film and i enjoyed jacks portrayal of the joker but to be honest that's sort of where it ended to me. Again if im honest i picked up the joker during my mad start in collecting HT's. That was when i picked up anything i could at the time within my budget. At that time Bats was out of stock, if he was in stock during my starting craze i would probably own him.

Since then though i've wised up, and really just focus on characters which are iconic to me or from films i thoroughly enjoyed. Surprisingly i've watched the 89 movie twice and the nolan movies countless times. Which as i said i never grew up with the 89 batman, i grew up with the schumacher films but we'll leave those out of this even though i watched them during my childhood lol. While its no doubt the DX09 is great looking and a great sculpt it just won't ever be my priority.

Now im not saying Bane is iconic to me since i own him. I just digged the portayal of him and the design of his costume, and he fits in with my Nolan theme.
Alright, then get rid of the DX 08 Joker then.

But then keep in mind, things change. There might be a day where you regret that decision or you catch '89 Batman on tv or watch it with your friends and love it and regret that you sold your figs, or want the figs. You check on ebay and the prices are just too damn much. You never know.
Alright, then get rid of the DX 08 Joker then.

But then keep in mind, things change. There might be a day where you regret that decision or you catch '89 Batman on tv or watch it with your friends and love it and regret that you sold your figs, or want the figs. You check on ebay and the prices are just too damn much. You never know.

Its a double edged sword really this collecting game ain't it lol.