Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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Jack was the best Joker in movie history imo. I don't know Heath just seemed to be trying to hard to act all megalomaniac. I think Jack was closer to the true essence of the Joker.

Then again the Keaton Batman movies are better then Bales imo.
Jack was the best Joker in movie history imo. I don't know Heath just seemed to be trying to hard to act all megalomaniac. I think Jack was closer to the true essence of the Joker.

Then again the Keaton Batman movies are better then Bales imo.

Jack was the best Joker in movie history imo. I don't know Heath just seemed to be trying to hard to act all megalomaniac. I think Jack was closer to the true essence of the Joker.

Then again the Keaton Batman movies are better then Bales imo.



Jack was the best Joker in movie history imo. I don't know Heath just seemed to be trying to hard to act all megalomaniac. I think Jack was closer to the true essence of the Joker.

Then again the Keaton Batman movies are better then Bales imo.

Jack joker was the best joker. But Heath out did him.
I think shells was actually just posting their opinion. In an appropriate thread.

:clap :goodpost: :exactly: :1-1:

Snake Eater gets it... Stating an opinion in an appropriate thread. He didn't take this to a Ledger thread- He put it here. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. But since it isn't "pro-Nolan", it has to be a "nerd starting a fight" or a "knee jerk reaction colored by childhood nostalgia".... So who is the nerd staring a fight again?

Oh and in case you're curious Haytil... Yes I still have you on ignore (kept that on since you went out of your way to insult me as a parent in a freaking Batman discussion) I only know what you said from Snake's quote. So whatever you decide to reply, feel free to go nuts on the personal insults and mud-slinging again... Since I won't see a lick of it. :)

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Jack joker was the best joker. But Heath out did him.

Well, it is 2 completely different takes on the character when you get down to it. The only thing the same is the name really.

Jack's Joker (to me) was the comic Joker that had existed up to that point. His interpretation of that, in my opinion, was spot on and is easily my favorite live-action portrayal of the character.

Nolan's Joker was the character as told through a "real world" setting, and not a comic book fantasy. He was a psychotic anarchist... something that could exist in our world (and does, though maybe not on that level). At portraying that, Ledger did a fine job... and if that is the version of Joker that one prefers, that is fine.

But it really is apples and oranges. It doesn't just boil down to a better actor, or which performance you prefer... One also has to account for the fact that they are 2 radically different things that are both called "Joker". If I were asked which one was the better "comic book Joker", it would be Jack. If I were asked which was the better "realistic Joker", it would be Ledger.

Once you get into that, you have to decide which film setting you prefer overall- Burton's comic fantasy, or Nolan's real world crime drama. I prefer Burton's world, so therefore I'd prefer Jack's Joker, as that is the series I prefer... but that is just me. I won't disparage others for choosing the latter.... :)

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Thanks TheFind.

About the discution, I love Nicholson and Ledger's work and they're very different, Idon't think make sense compare them.

Ledger said in a interview if Burton call him to play Joker in a Batman movie, he didn't take it.
Their work was very unique and should be respected in a single way
Well, it is 2 completely different takes on the character when you get down to it. The only thing the same is the name really.

Jack's Joker (to me) was the comic Joker that had existed up to that point. His interpretation of that, in my opinion, was spot on and is easily my favorite live-action portrayal of the character.

Nolan's Joker was the character as told through a "real world" setting, and not a comic book fantasy. He was a psychotic anarchist... something that could exist in our world (and does, though maybe not on that level). At portraying that, Ledger did a fine job... and if that is the version of Joker that one prefers, that is fine.

But it really is apples and oranges. It doesn't just boil down to a better actor, or which performance you prefer... One also has to account for the fact that they are 2 radically different things that are both called "Joker". If I were asked which one was the better "comic book Joker", it would be Jack. If I were asked which was the better "realistic Joker", it would be Ledger.

Once you get into that, you have to decide which film setting you prefer overall- Burton's comic fantasy, or Nolan's real world crime drama. I prefer Burton's world, so therefore I'd prefer Jack's Joker, as that is the series I prefer... but that is just me. I won't disparage others for choosing the latter.... :)


While I love Ledger and Jack I don't feel anyone owns the role. The Character is the Icon and like famous Stage characters like Hamlet, Macbeth, Iago, etc. It's interesting to see different takes on the character.