Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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Hm, I wonder if people are just selling him for more now. I've seen him sold many times for $200-$230. I hope you find a deal. :)

Anyway, new picks of Jack. Some oldies too just 'cuz I can't get enough of this guy.










Wow. Such Great Pix man! "LOVE that Joker!"

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 4
As much as I love DX09... The amount of different display options for DX08 really gives Keaton Bats a run for his money as my all-time fav HT:

You can pull off so many different looks that are all "classic" Joker out of one release. I can never tire of this guy...

Batman wins for me. But this figure is certainly very good. The crappy ankle joints, the wrist socks, the permanent hat hair, the lack of a proper trigger finger hand and the fact that the overcoat on mine was missing its clasp (fastener) make it lose points.
Wow. Such Great Pix man! "LOVE that Joker!"

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 4

Thanks man! I guess we can expect more to pop up like mine at some point. Ive gotten numerous PMs asking what was done to him and who I had do it. :lol

You can pull off so many different looks that are all "classic" Joker out of one release. I can never tire of this guy...


Yeah, this guy is a lot of fun to pose and display. Great pics. Very colorful. I had a bunch of different color backgrounds but everyone complained that they were too florescent. :lol

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
And as your location you put Gotham City. :lol

I like Batman. Don't you?

Oh and in case you're curious Haytil... Yes I still have you on ignore (kept that on since you went out of your way to insult me as a parent in a freaking Batman discussion) I only know what you said from Snake's quote. So whatever you decide to reply, feel free to go nuts on the personal insults and mud-slinging again... Since I won't see a lick of it. :)

Dude, grow up. Nobody cares.
:rotfl You cared enough to quote it! :rotfl You should have just ignored it!

Ha! Nice... :lol

Pretty sure he accused me of caring when I said I didn't in another thread simply for replying to him... Yet here he is doing the exact same thing. :cuckoo:


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Yeah, this guy is a lot of fun to pose and display. Great pics. Very colorful. I had a bunch of different color backgrounds but everyone complained that they were too florescent. :lol

Thanks dude! :1-1: Yeah, I don't trot the yellow background paper out very often... But I thought it was perfect for Jack, :)

Ha! Nice... :lol

Pretty sure he accused me of caring when I said I didn't in another thread simply for replying to him... Yet here he is doing the exact same thing. :cuckoo:



Sadly my friend, there are a few (who shall remain nameless, not to protect identities, but I just don't think they are worth the effort of listing) that, I am sure, post a lot of the time just to get a rise out of people. Whilst simultaneously professing (on a stack) to not being trolls :lol

What's the old adage...A family that plays together stays together? Too right! Keep the vids coming Sallah.
Sadly my friend, there are a few (who shall remain nameless, not to protect identities, but I just don't think they are worth the effort of listing) that, I am sure, post a lot of the time just to get a rise out of people. Whilst simultaneously professing (on a stack) to not being trolls :lol

What's the old adage...A family that plays together stays together? Too right! Keep the vids coming Sallah.

Thanks man! :1-1:

...and the reviews will keep coming for as long as the kids are wanting to do them with me. We try to do at least 2 or 3 per weekend, depending on how busy we get with "family fun". I hope that they never grow out of this stuff (like me)... but it is totally up to them. For now though, I'll just keep enjoying the time sharing this hobby while I can. :)

Watched 89 Batman last night projected on a big screen with a good sound system. It rocked. Hard.

I think I love Returns more, but so far it is the definitive batman movie to me.
...I think I love Returns more, but so far it is the definitive batman movie to me.

Well, I have seen (and bought on Bluray) all three parts of the Nolan Trilogy and there is no doubt that they great movies....

...but I too have to go with my heart here and say that there is just something about that original '89 movie that grabs me every time. And I feel the same way about the '89 figure too, just seeing it has a strong effect on me.

I don't know if it's growing up with the Neal Adams BATMAN comics, or seeing the reminiscently tall 'ears' on the costume of the movie, or that it was a MAJOR motion picture, or that it being taken seriously instead of the 60 series approach...possibly all of the above.

I was lucky enough to meet Neal at the London Film & Comic Convention in the summer and he was a great guy, he signed a print for me which I am going to frame and hang,