I was kind of waiting to find out about the future of the line before preordering the Sam Flynn Light Cycle set and Kevin Flynn, but I am feeling like I still want them.
I don't know if this is foolish but I'm hoping that it is still because of an R and D situation like Avatar coupled with it being a really crowded year for genre films that Hot Toys has a license for, i.e. Sucker Punch, Thor, Captain America, POTC, and we will still see something in a year or two. Could be a matter of striking while the iron is hot with some things and getting back to other things when things are less crowded. Maybe news on the sequel or the Tron: Uprising series will at least get us one more. I just think it would be a bummer to see two Sucker Punch figures and an Abigail Whistler and never get a Quorra.