Just stick to your guns, MS. People here are gonna give you ____ just because you're new and god forbid a new guy, or anyone else for that matter, should sling mud at the great and powerful Oz...er...Sideshow.
I dont have a complete Pred collection, but I surely wanted this one, and like my bro Lee said, we've done PPO since before they started them and have not lost out on one...until now. First time for everything. But my order went in at 10:00:14 and I checked the box and signed in and everything but got the waitlist screen. Then when I tried to place the WT, it said I already had an order. Not sure how that happened and I havent called SS yet to figure it out. But stick to your guns, write your emails, and give 'em hell. SS usually has Class A customer service and this is just unacceptable. The least they could do, with their Class A CS, is issue a statement to thier loyal fans. There will be those who dont think that's necessary, but as someone already mentioned, it's just the right and professional thing to do. I expect more from SS, especially on a site dedicated to thier products and products they distribute.