Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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My one arrived with dinges and chuff marks all over the place too. It was a minor disappointment but like others have said the box goes in the attic anyway and I doubt I'll ever sell this.
I'm looking at getting one of these, I know these were limited, but does anyone know how many were made? thanks
Ohhhhh fair enough.

I will be increasing my number to 1 in a few weeks or so. Buy SS Falconer Bio then snap up a Guardian to meet up with his other HT buddies on my shelves.
I'm looking at getting one of these, I know these were limited, but does anyone know how many were made? thanks
it was like 500 per convention. i think there ended up being 1500 or so made. it's really not that limited and i think just about everybody who waitlisted it got one.
Given the choice would you guys buy this or the Berserker? I can only really get one at the minute, so question is which?

Opinions welcome, thanks
Given the choice would you guys buy this or the Berserker? I can only really get one at the minute, so question is which?

Opinions welcome, thanks

If you can afford a Guardian right now, get that. Berserker is still available at most places, while the Guardian is long gone and prices continue to climb.
If you can afford a Guardian right now, get that. Berserker is still available at most places, while the Guardian is long gone and prices continue to climb.

I found someone selling it for £300/$480 who is willing to take installments over the next 2 months, is that worth it?
I do it because of two things, I don't have the room and I want the money more because something seemed more interesting and cool in photos but fails to live up to what I expected. For example, the Lost Predator looked bad ass in the photos but once I got him in hand he looked like a pile of green ____. Same with the Dog Alien, looked nice and ____ in the beginning but after a few weeks he began to look like a rubbery piece of brown _____ matter. Harsh? Possibly, but they didn't live up to my expectations. Iron Man was bought with the intentions to sell because I don't even give a rat ____ about that figure, but I figured, and was told by the seller, that I would be able to make $300 later down the road, same I was looking for with Guardian. I can't remember any other figures I have gotten and sold.

On the flip side, I have plenty of figures that I will never sell, for example: Scar, Chopper, Ancient, Berserker, Falconer, Wolf, Wolf Cleaner, Predalien(That's iffy actually), Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Plo Koon, Shock Trooper, Commander Bly, Tracker, and Barney Ross. That's a total of 15 figures I do not plan on selling because I either really like how they were made or that I love the movie they came from. That greatly outnumbers the amount of figures I have sold. I rarely, actually only once, buy with the intentions to sell later on.

I collect because something looks cool. Even with the smaller Predators, NECA. I don't buy spares with the intentions of selling those off later on for profit, but because I like having a lot.
Do collectors have a high turnover of Hot Toys figures? It seems like some people buy figures they like at the time and sell them later on to get newer figures to keep the shelves rotating.

I think bottomline is that most people have some form of self-control or "will" to try to "maintain" his or her collection so that it doesn't become way "overboard". And of course when a collection becomes "overboard" depends on each collector's buying power and situation.

And sometimes that self-control or "will" is nothing more than an understanding of what one's buying power aka income is.
Do collectors have a high turnover of Hot Toys figures? It seems like some people buy figures they like at the time and sell them later on to get newer figures to keep the shelves rotating.

I am very limited on space so sometimes I will purchase something and a few months later I see something that I want more. Kinda sucks, if I did have more space I would probably keep most all the figures I got....this is why I am just trying to collect predator related things because they are my favorite. Only HT Pred I have sold so far was my Lost, which I am regretting now because he has went up in value. Besides him I have purchased and sold many things already, to make room for things I want more. Guess thats how it goes with a lot of collectors.
Given the choice would you guys buy this or the Berserker? I can only really get one at the minute, so question is which?

Opinions welcome, thanks
i mostly just care about the Stan Winston creatures, so i got this one. Predators was cool, but i already have 4 preds in my collection. plus the Berserker is one of the most blatantly inaccurate figures HT has made.
Do collectors have a high turnover of Hot Toys figures? It seems like some people buy figures they like at the time and sell them later on to get newer figures to keep the shelves rotating.
it really depends on your definition of "collector". some buy compulsively, some don't. space isn't an issue for me and i have very specific taste in collectibles.
For me i limit myself only to collect on the tech side like iron man, robocop & batman DX02. Alien & weird stuff only the predator 1, predator 2 lost clans & DX01 Joker (Only villain i have cozz he's awesomely weird & really strike the creeps in me in the movie).

Same here, the new predators just doesn't appeal to me at all. I don't collect face figures but i only have tony stark mech test as its heavily loaded with alot of gadgets and the sculpt.