Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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I think I'll forego the Predators from the new film. Stick to the classics and hopefully those releases are mostly done now because I'm spending a fortune on T2 this year.

More P1 soldiers, Mike Harrigan and perhaps another of the more distinctive Losties would be definite purchases.
eh, I think hot toys is done with the P1 humans and I'm not sure how many more "lost" preds will be made. i think they will focus on the new movie for the time being.
i still have a lost pred, elder pred 2, pred 1, wolf pred, wolf cleaner pred ,pred 2 battle damaged and off course arnold :lol

to finance my gort pred i sold machiko, billy sole and original predator 2

never found an avp pred at a decent price but i really would like the celtic or scar pred in my collection :pray:
I'm just excited that we are getting more Preds with the new movie licence.

I have none of the AVP stuff but I'm ok with that as I thought the movies were a bit pooh!
Fingers crossed Predators is gonna be good!
SSC put up a new gallery for our new Predator and it looks awesome :yess: .




i just looked through the pics and i couldn't find $200 worth of predator in there.
does it have an electronic feature? solid gold accessories? is it really 2 figures?
i'm confused. it sure looks like the last 6 predator figures i got for $130-150.
These are old pics, though. We all knew what we were getting into... either way, I'm so totally getting one :D. $185 + tax ain't pretty, but I can handle it. I planned for a little under the $200 mark, so I'll still be left with a good chunk of funds afterwards, to save for the inevitable Falconer ;).
i just looked through the pics and i couldn't find $200 worth of predator in there.
does it have an electronic feature? solid gold accessories? is it really 2 figures?
i'm confused. it sure looks like the last 6 predator figures i got for $130-150.
Is it worth $200? Yes, to me it is. It is worth that because it is cool looking and I understand that Hot Toys will continue to raise prices. do i like that they raise prices because they can? No, I don't but I understand that type of business. People will still buy this within minutes of going up even if it was $250.
These are old pics, though. We all knew what we were getting into.
They really are old, they're on the first post.

I am kind of getting worried that I wont be able to secure a Predator. the design has grown on me a whole lot.
Okay, checked the e-mail. For attendees, we're looking at roughly $200. For non-attendees (if you're in the states), then your price plus shipping will be about the same.

Damn, that's a lot of cash. Like I said, I planned for it, but it just hit me that this is the first HT figure I've ever bought that went for $200 at the very start. Hard pill to swallow, but it's an excellent way to ring in my first SDCC. Plus I'm in luck; the figure looks gorgeous.
True, true... but I'm keeping this badboy. I have a lot of my stuff on my Want List for the summer, and even after I get Guardian, I'll have plenty left over to save for the next big thing. This guy needs to be kept, though. Might not go to another con after this one for a while.
Do you guys think the non attendee will be $210 after shipping and taxes? lol and it sucks that i live in canada, but i heard the currancy of us and canadian dollars are about the same now.
I think after Taxes and shipping it will be around $205 for me. In Canada, it may be a lot more, $220. Thats going from's shipping though.
Do you guys think the non attendee will be $210 after shipping and taxes? lol and it sucks that i live in canada, but i heard the currancy of us and canadian dollars are about the same now.

Well, California taxes only apply if you attend (Elder_Predator2, you'll likely only have to pay shipping).

However, I dunno how much it'll cost for you in Canada. I'd say around $190 or $195 (as described in the e-mail) + whatever percent tax you usually pay. That's IF SS makes you pay taxes in Canada online, which they probably do.
I've had to pay taxes for other shipments and was told it was something Ohio did. i am not sure why though. Weird, the figures shipped from Minnesota too. So Maybe I'll pay taxes or maybe not. We'll see.