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OK look I personally am not complaining so much as hoping HT just go and make more of them to meet the demand but you guys who were successful in your orders have no place telling people to stop complaining. Not saying your arguments aren't perfectly sound but remember it is all very easy for you to say. If people are pi$$ed let them be, maybe its not just this forum, maybe HT will take notice.
OK look I personally am not complaining so much as hoping HT just go and make more of them to meet the demand but you guys who were successful in your orders have no place telling people to stop complaining. Not saying your arguments aren't perfectly sound but remember it is all very easy for you to say. If people are pi$$ed let them be, maybe its not just this forum, maybe HT will take notice.


just check other retailers after the all the SDCC hype... they will become available...
****great white buffalo****

It's like that pesky cousin that's always ruining the family gatherings...

Drunken uncle, bro. Drunken uncle...
But we love him all the same for the entertainment brought to the table. Just like grandma sticking her head in the oven at Thanksgiving... :D

Retailers, FS sections, feeBay (although I shudder at that place now). It's not impossible. Just requires paying attention.
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Then STFU! You should be grateful and feel fortunate. Instead you're taking it for granted. You're hanging around this thread bashing people who didn't get one. (I'll bet I'm not the only one you tried to convince) I don't need to explain myself to you. Instead of telling me I should have read the rules and asked questions you could have been considerate by asking if I had. Preparing for anything for the first time is one thing. Experiencing anything for the first time is another. Screw you.

I'm not bashing people who didn't get one, I'm calling you out on blaming Sideshow with your douchy little entitlement crybaby rant. Fact is, the reality that you didn't get one is your own fault. Own it.

OK look I personally am not complaining so much as hoping HT just go and make more of them to meet the demand but you guys who were successful in your orders have no place telling people to stop complaining. Not saying your arguments aren't perfectly sound but remember it is all very easy for you to say. If people are pi$$ed let them be, maybe its not just this forum, maybe HT will take notice.

I'm not calling out people who're pissed that they missed it, just the people blaming Sideshow for their mistakes. It's ridiculous to say it's Sideshow's fault because you forgot to click the item box. It's ridiculous to blame them because this is your first PPO and you didn't read the rules. Hell, it's ridiculous to blame Sideshow because in your haste you didn't read the ____ing big bold letters on the sreamlined page (and by "you" I don't mean you bud). That's what's annoying me.
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I wouldn't go as far as saying that its his fault, but its not that big of a deal. As I said before, if I get one, great...but if I don't, I'm not going to have a beef with HT and SS.
I wouldn't go as far as saying that its his fault, but its not that big of a deal. As I said before, if I get one, great...but if I don't, I'm not going to have a beef with HT and SS.

He didn't click the item box and had to go back and order again. Who else's fault would that be? :dunno
Well, if that was the case, it is his fault. I will say though that the check box was dumb and pointless. It was the only item on the page, and everyone was frantically trying to get through to the order screen...I'm certain it screwed many people.
Well, if that was the case, it is his fault. I will say though that the check box was dumb and pointless. It was the only item on the page, and everyone was frantically trying to get through to the order screen...I'm certain it screwed many people.

Yes, but then he blamed Sideshow for "streaming" the website for the PPO and said it wasn't fair because it was his first PPO. :duh:duh:duh
Well, if that was the case, it is his fault. I will say though that the check box was dumb and pointless. It was the only item on the page, and everyone was frantically trying to get through to the order screen...I'm certain it screwed many people.

I also got screwed by the checkbox. My order would have went in at 24 seconds...I did not notice the checkbox:(
Anyways, I got waitlisted at 3 minutes. I do think the streamlined Priority pre-order works I know better, this won't happen again. Can't really fault sideshow for this one.
Same thing happened to me, but some people who made that mistake still got theirs within the one-minute mark. Pretty bad slowdown and I even ran into one of those error messages while confirming the order. Things like that are no one's fault, that's just the way it happened.

I do, however, express my displeasure :).
Bottom line is that some got it, some didn't. I got waitlisted, but it doesn't make me any less of a fan of Predator, HT, or SS. This reminds me of late adopters wanting HT to go back and do re-release the AVP line. Heaven forbid that they would want to retain the integrity of their lines. I imported my HT Scar and Celtic from the first production run released in a matter of fact, I was probably one of the first people in the US to have them. If they went back and re-released them, man would I be pissed. Respect the line/edition size people.
Bottom line is that some got it, some didn't. I got waitlisted, but it doesn't make me any less of a fan of Predator, HT, or SS. This reminds me of late adopters wanting HT to go back and do re-release the AVP line. Heaven forbid that they would want to retain the integrity of their lines. I imported my HT Scar and Celtic from the first production run released in a matter of fact, I was probably one of the first people in the US to have them. If they went back and re-released them, man would I be pissed. Respect the line/edition size people.
Well, I guess I got lucky. This was my PPO. I forgot the box, and my internet slowed down. I still got 34 seconds too.
I ahve no clu, it just did so all i had to do was hit login. I think maybe Chrome had something at the very beginning(when I first downloaded it) that asked if I wanted it to remember Passwords