Hot Toys – MMS183 The Dark Knight Rises Bane Figure

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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Just been looking at my Bane and figured I'd come here to post while it's on my mind. I'm not sure if it's the fact this actually has some colour to it, but whenever I look at my Batman shelf my eyes always get drawn to this figure.

Definitely is a great addition, and I'm so glad I decided to get it when it came out. I was originally planning on passing due to its bareness but convinced myself otherwise. The thought of me having to find one that's affordable now is not a pleasant one.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Just been looking at my Bane and figured I'd come here to post while it's on my mind. I'm not sure if it's the fact this actually has some colour to it, but whenever I look at my Batman shelf my eyes always get drawn to this figure.

Definitely is a great addition, and I'm so glad I decided to get it when it came out. I was originally planning on passing due to its bareness but convinced myself otherwise. The thought of me having to find one that's affordable now is not a pleasant one.

Great collection you got there!

Yeah I agree, I think it's because of how unique his overall design looks (and like you said, the variety of colors) that it really make him stand out from the rest.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Thanks! I've just sold Police Joker to help fund my DX11 which is arriving next week. Can't wait to add him to the shelf.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Having had this guy for 5 months he's still one of the figures i stop and look at while walking past my Detolfs, got such a great shelf presence. Posed with bats it makes for a great TDKR shelf. I just need catwoman to hurry her *** up and release.

Nice placement of the pod there fred. I sold mine off last month, it looked out of place displayed so far from my Nolan collection. I can say though i don't really miss it.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

What I think it partly is as well, is that due to it's colour being varied throughout, you can see the smaller details much easier from a distance making it more appealing to the eye. Whereas for DX12 for example, alot of the detailing can only be seen up close as it fuses with the black from a distance.

And cheers Stealth. When I first got the pod I honestly thought it was too big to display anywhere for me, but having the entire top dedicated to Batman really made things work.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

It's not so much just the idea of stopping the mob, but rather what Harvey represented as a symbol against corruption. Ra's Al Ghul himself said that Gotham was so full of corruption that he was able to infiltrate every single level of its infrastructure. It's easy to say that they could just pile all the evidence against the mob, yet you're ignoring how the whole city can revert the way it was like in BB without any public authorial figure leading everyone with his/her charisma. What Harvey represented was the hope that the people needed to stand up against that corruption and actually have the will to fight back and have their voices heard. The notion that Harvey turned out to be a criminal himself would have demoralized the general public especially considering how everyone else was cautious and pretty hands-off with the prosecution of the mobsters except for Harvey himself. In that regard, Harvey's "heroic" death caused enough of a public uproar which led to the creation of the new act that essentially allowed the police to capture criminals on a more efficient and larger scale.

Admittedly, it's why the big reveal with Bane reciting Gordon's confession felt somewhat underwhelming (not the speech itself but the way that the narrative was handled in terms of showing its effects on the public) considering how a whole chunk of TDK focused on the public voice whereas TDKR barely even touched on that aspect. It didn't help that the majority of the people leading the riots were actually criminals anyway, which practically brushed under the carpet the whole issue of Harvey's death and how the general public would've actually felt about the truth.

Yeah, I can see that, and that makes sense. I just feel like that plot point is somewhat weak, because really it was the Batman who started the ball rolling to get people like Dent to stand up to the mob. Wouldn't it have been worse if the Batman turned out to be a murdering psychopath? But then again people where blaming Batman for all the Joker's chaos anyway. It just always kind of bugged me a little thats all.

Just been looking at my Bane and figured I'd come here to post while it's on my mind. I'm not sure if it's the fact this actually has some colour to it, but whenever I look at my Batman shelf my eyes always get drawn to this figure.

Definitely is a great addition, and I'm so glad I decided to get it when it came out. I was originally planning on passing due to its bareness but convinced myself otherwise. The thought of me having to find one that's affordable now is not a pleasant one.

I was going to pass this guy up as well and realized I really wanted him as he was starting to sell out. I'm glad I got him before the price went too insane. My Batman collection would have been incomplete without him.
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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

You know what always really bugged me: Why didn't they just pin Harvey Dent & the cops' deaths on the Joker instead of Batman taking the blame? I always thought Joker's one year comment didn't mean there was one year between BB & TDK. I thought it meant a year from that moment. That Batman's efforts have really started to make changes within the previous year from Joker's perspective. BB ends with a ton of prisoners released and by the beginning of TDK, there are only leftovers like Scarecrow. The mob also seemed desperate as if Batman had been hitting them hard for a while. I just think there are quite a few years between BB & TDK. Maybe 3-5 years.

Exactly. The Dark Knight Manual says that Bruce wore his first Batman suit for 5 years. I lean toward the dates in the films though. Bruce made his first apperance as Batman on 07-21-2005 and the Joker robbed the Gotham National Bank on 07-18-2008.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

My failed attempt at humor. If you look at the misplaced capitals and spell it out, you'll see what I was hinting at ;)
Beer and the internet are never a good combination.

Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I was wondering that too. I am assuming the manual?

I thought that at first but he said the manual says he wore the begins suit for five years, so that doesn't add up. :dunno thought maybe there was something I'd missed.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I thought that at first but he said the manual says he wore the begins suit for five years, so that doesn't add up. :dunno thought maybe there was something I'd missed.

Ok. I see that now. Maybe some behind the scenes videos or wikipedia :lol
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Ok. I see that now. Maybe some behind the scenes videos or wikipedia :lol

Haha yeah, the info could well be somewhere, I've just never seen specific dates like that so was interested to know where they're from. I'd also love to check out the dark knight manual book. Been meaning to pick it up for a while but never got around to it.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

My final flex payment for this was on 6/5. I just received an email stating,

"Unfortunately, we were just informed by our Shipping Department that the last couple of pieces we had in our inventory were damage and not saleable. Unfortunately, we will not be able to fill the order for this item."

Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

My final flex payment for this was on 6/5. I just received an email stating,

"Unfortunately, we were just informed by our Shipping Department that the last couple of pieces we had in our inventory were damage and not saleable. Unfortunately, we will not be able to fill the order for this item."


Whoa...that sucks, man. :slap:gah:

I hope you are getting a full refund--no questions asked.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

OMG! That's terrible!

Agreed, I hope you get every penny back!