Hot Toys – MMS183 The Dark Knight Rises Bane Figure

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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

There's nothing in your arguments to suggest that the events discussed could not have happened in the space of approximately a year - and you would have to intentionally disregard a lot of blatant evidence (from explicit dialog from main characters to elements of the setting, like the seasons) to arrive at any other conclusion.

The film's setting and story were made deliberately and they were made pretty clear. You might not like it (though I'm still not clear why you wouldn't), but you can't really make any reasonable argument against it being what it is.

i really don't care how much time has passed between one movie and the next. if i recall an interview from way back, either goyer or nolan said it was six months.

but neither six months or a year explains gordon's kids. it's either a serious continuity error or many years have passed between the two films.

it's incontrovertible that those children were babies in the first film. more so than any other "evidence" anyone can point to.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Put him on the TTM20 tonight. Took some work getting the pants to fit over that massive derriere, but I got it.

What mods did you perform on those pants? They look fantastic.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Don't think it's modded. Just on a different body.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

i really don't care how much time has passed between one movie and the next. if i recall an interview from way back, either goyer or nolan said it was six months.

My memory is that they said it was a year, but in any case, what's presented in the film trumps an out-of-film interview.

but neither six months or a year explains gordon's kids. it's either a serious continuity error or many years have passed between the two films.

it's incontrovertible that those children were babies in the first film. more so than any other "evidence" anyone can point to.

We see a toddler for half a second in the background of "Batman Begins." There's no reason that this must necessarily be the same kid that Dent threatens a year later in "The Dark Knight," so there's no continuity error or need for several years to have passed.
Yeah, it hasn't been that long but I like to pretend it was longer. To think Batman retired after a year and a half altogether or so is lame.

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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

We see a toddler for half a second in the background of "Batman Begins." There's no reason that this must necessarily be the same kid that Dent threatens a year later in "The Dark Knight," so there's no continuity error or need for several years to have passed.

how many kids do you think gordon has? he's got two. he has two in the comics and two in the movie.

like DiFabio says, the intention was that is was james jr. even if you argue it's babs, there's still no explanation.


and again, i personally don't care, really. i like to think there's a few "lost years" in there that we can dream about. just for funsies.

: D
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Just thinking about the physical and mental struggles a person would endure going out every night beating up thugs and risking your life is already exhausting me. It's a miracle Bruce even held it up for that long, but the films always established that the plan was never for him to be Batman for his entire life, or necessarily just a year and a few months. He just needed to be Batman for *long as it takes* for the people of Gotham to stand up and do it for him. Harvey was that guy, the Dent act pretty much destroyed organized crime in Gotham causing Bruce to put down his cape and cowl much sooner then he anticipated. Basically at the end of the Dark Knight, Batman is destroyed, both literally and symbolically. But Bruce was still batman mentally, he was still torn from the inside, depressed and really didn't care much for life anymore, he welcomed death. Dark Knight Rises is all about him ACTUALLY stopping from being Batman and moving on with his life on an emotional level. There wasn't a whole lot of Batman in Rises because of that, because at the end of the Dark Knight he was pretty much a done deal. So I saw Rises always as more of a 'reunion' film, a 'one last time' Batman film. it was more of a drama/thriller then a Batman film even more so then Begins/Dark Knight. I enjoy the film a lot more going into it with this mind set. It really isn't a film for batman fans, that's for sure.

Oh geez, look at that giant wall of text! :rotfl
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Just thinking about the physical and mental struggles a person would endure going out every night beating up thugs and risking your life is already exhausting me. It's a miracle Bruce even held it up for that long, but the films always established that the plan was never for him to be Batman for his entire life, or necessarily just a year and a few months. He just needed to be Batman for *long as it takes* for the people of Gotham to stand up and do it for him. Harvey was that guy, the Dent act pretty much destroyed organized crime in Gotham causing Bruce to put down his cape and cowl much sooner then he anticipated. Basically at the end of the Dark Knight, Batman is destroyed, both literally and symbolically. But Bruce was still batman mentally, he was still torn from the inside, depressed and really didn't care much for life anymore, he welcomed death. Dark Knight Rises is all about him ACTUALLY stopping from being Batman and moving on with his life on an emotional level. There wasn't a whole lot of Batman in Rises because of that, because at the end of the Dark Knight he was pretty much a done deal. So I saw Rises always as more of a 'reunion' film, a 'one last time' Batman film. it was more of a drama/thriller then a Batman film even more so then Begins/Dark Knight. I enjoy the film a lot more going into it with this mind set. It really isn't a film for batman fans, that's for sure.

Oh geez, look at that giant wall of text! :rotfl

:goodpost: i thank you for elaborating on the purpose of TDKR. there are some fans out there that didn't quite understand the concept of that story and how it was supposed to bring the trilogy full circle. personally, i loved TDKR and i think it's as good as the TDK.

Bruce as Batman for several years due to his obsession to be Batman and keep Gotham safe=Awesome.

Bruce as Batman for a year and half and wants to quit for his girlfriend that doesn't want him anymore = Lame.

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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure


Bruce as Batman for several years due to his obsession to be Batman and keep Gotham safe=Awesome.

Bruce as Batman for a year and half and wants to quit for his girlfriend that doesn't want him anymore = Lame.

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2

Opinions I guess, why can't Batman/Bruce Wayne have feelings? Why can't he have some fragility to him? Why can't he be relatable? :dunno

And I'm done responding to Difabio because....well yeah, you can imagine.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

I have to agree with The Fiend. It's not that the movie logic was wrong, it's just that it wasn't Batman. We learned from TDK that superhero movies could be crime thrillers, and we learned from TDKR and IM3 that they don't work as well as.....I'm not really sure what to label it, but we can all agree the film was something else first and a Batman movie second right?
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Me personally whenever i find out that there's gonna be a movie based on a comic book character, i usually expect a different take on it. To be honest, i would hate to watch a comic book movie that reads and looks like a comic book. I've always found it quite intriguing when writers and directors create their own interpretation of an iconic character. Most comic book fans tend to always match the comic book world with the comic book based movie world and when a few details are different, they get disappointed and end up hating the movie.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Can somebody tell me in detail why they didn't like TDKR because i thoroughly enjoyed it especially the emotional aspect of the film.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Can somebody tell me in detail why they didn't like TDKR because i thoroughly enjoyed it especially the emotional aspect of the film.

For one, there wasn't much Batman in it. Then, there actually wasn't Batman in it. No batarangs, no batmobile, no gliding, no grapple gun. He just had the high-tech suit and that was supposedly enough:dunno

Then, his relationship with Selina was a little silly. I don't know why he even liked her.

THEN comes the third act which is just a huge mess. Time flies extremely fast, Bruce returns kinda randomly, the bomb goes off with a few seconds left but its been ticking for months and Bruce knows that so he spends time lighting up a bridge with the bat symbol and kissing selina and all that.

His showdown with Bane is a little lame. Batman throws wide hooks, you know very unbatmanish. He's fights like an amateur and doesn't really utilize anything other than his arms and maybe a headbutt.

Then there's how Bane dies. It just didn't do him justice. A lot of people freaked over the twist, I didn't mind it. I was annoyed that they took out most of his origin from the movie.

AND THEN, what really rubbed people the wrong way was the last few minutes where Bruce proves that "anyone can be Batman. That was the point." Actually not really, Batman is a martyr. He does what everyone else was afraid to do, or too weak to do. Not everyone can do that. He's saying "I'm doing this. You think about what you've allowed to push me to this." Not anyone can do that. Especially John Blake. We needed a whole movie to believe Bruce could survive as Batman, yet we're just supposed to accept that Catwoman is just as tough as him and we're supposed to accept that Blake can all of the sudden fill those shoes? Even in ten years, is he really going to be able to do anything? I don't know, for a story that boasts realism...:dunno. So then he goes on to Italy with his kinda/sorta girlfriend and we're left with a Batman who quit.

One poster said that Bruce was lost after Batman was no longer needed. I agree and that was a big part of the film but I just don't think that's a good Batman story. Bruce Wayne is going to die as Batman. That's his tragedy. When he dies they're going to know who was sacrificing. They'll know his parents died. They'll know how that it was because of how they lived, that caused him to devote his life to being Batman and that he died trying to change that, successful or not. Bruce Wayne does not die as a civilian in Italy, looking back on his life with a sense of satisfaction. It's a nice story, but that ain't Batman. And if I'm wrong so be it, but then that's not MY Batman. Anyway sorry for the wall of text.

Edit: Forgot to say, if by emotional aspect you mean as oppose to non-stop action then I agree with you. I enjoyed that as well, but I did not enjoy the execution
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Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

And if I'm wrong so be it, but then that's not MY Batman. Anyway sorry for the wall of text.

even though i enjoyed the movie and dont necessarily agree with you for the most part you make valid points and i cant argue with you.

there were some things i wish they did different with tdkr and the trilogy in general but to me this is the best batman on film we have to date (not tdkr but the trilogy) and how you said this is not your batman which i think is a good point, this was/is chris nolans batman and i like and appreciate what he did with the story for all three for the most part and i enjoyed it even though i would have done things differently.

but you make good points to why you didnt like it and i respect your views and opinions and how you expressed them
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Hermit, mopey Bruce who pretends he's Legolas

Harvey Dent Day

Harvey Dent Act

City is crime free (for the most part) and Batman isn't needed

Batman was never hunted, the GCPD and city never even tried investigating the "Batman murders"

John Blake

"I know who you are because I saw it in your eyes and could feel it in my bones"

Da Masked Man

LoS again

Bad guys take Wayne Enterprises Tech to turn it against the city, again

Magical knee brace that could have been offered him at any time in those 8 years

Batman and Bruce Wayne come back to the public at around the same time after stories are made about them. The city still don't have even the slightest clue

Ridiculous clean state plot device

Bane isn't the kid that climbed the pit

Crappy "twist" that people saw coming a mile away

Liam Neeson ghosts in the wrong film

Convoluted plot and story

"Batman" sucks

Gordon is a bloated failure compared to his Begins and Dark Knight self

Crying Alfred with contrived dreams that insert themselves into Begins timeline like Spider-Man 3

Dumb, pointless secondary characters

Flashbacks, flashbacks, flashbacks (and just in case we thought the audience was too dumb), more flashbacks

Joker doesn't exist in any capacity, not even in mention or spirit while every pointless character from the Mayor to Fredricks (the random Batman Begins board member) make an appearance

Toted as a class war/revolution type of story, really just a cliched, noisy flick with Nuclear bomb Macguffin

The police, including Gordon, in the movie are utterly incompetent. Thousands of cops trapped underground for 5 months? How convenient.

Bane and Talia are horrible villains. They break Bruce in every way possible but lend him the means and time to escape and foil them. The same for the city.

For something as important as the "character of Gotham City", it doesn't even have a face in this movie like it had in Dark Knight. City reactions are scarce and it doesn't even seem like a place that's worth fighting for.

Awful Batman voice, now he even talks to himself and looks ridiculous while doing it

Mumbling Bane

The revelation that Dent killed those people and not Batman, the scene that everyone had waited for and speculated about for 4 years was . . . a piece of papers, a speech, that Gordon kept in his pocket for days that just so happens to be found by the villain. How was Bane going to convince the city that it was corrupt without that convenient reveal?

Batman's "martyrdom"

Batman ends up not being a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight that can take being hunted, but a hollow shell of a man that finally has found a way of hanging it up for good and spending the last of his days as a useless hermit turned tourist. He once again lied "for the greater good", saved the city on a false, lie and hands the reigns over to his fellow orphan pal, young Bruce Willis.

For an "epic conclusion" it doesn't come anywhere close to the brilliance of Batman Begins and the Dark Knight. The Dark Knight especially with it's better Batman, better Bruce Wayne better, villain, and better plot.

:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl Wow, i don't think i've laughed that hard in my life before. i would say it's more of a Bruce Wayne story than Batman. i honestly expected a less efficient Batman because of Bruce Wayne's mental state at that point in his life.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

even though i enjoyed the movie and dont necessarily agree with you for the most part you make valid points and i cant argue with you.

there were some things i wish they did different with tdkr and the trilogy in general but to me this is the best batman on film we have to date (not tdkr but the trilogy) and how you said this is not your batman which i think is a good point, this was/is chris nolans batman and i like and appreciate what he did with the story for all three for the most part and i enjoyed it even though i would have done things differently.

but you make good points to why you didnt like it and i respect your views and opinions and how you expressed them

Thanks, I'm a little bit happier with the film now that Goyer has announced that there will be a new Batman in his justice league series. They wont be trying to fit Blake into there. As a trilogy, I suppose it can stand on its own and we can leave it at that. My biggest issue was what they did the to the character. Ok, well if that version isn't going to continue, I suppose I can move on from ending and just appreciate it for what it is. Another thing I have an issue with is the Batsuit. I love the figure but for some reason I can't stand it on film. I wonder what kind of batsuit they'll bring for the new version, since they'll be separating that universe from TDK trilogy.
Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure

Thanks, I'm a little bit happier with the film now that Goyer has announced that there will be a new Batman in his justice league series. They wont be trying to fit Blake into there. As a trilogy, I suppose it can stand on its own and we can leave it at that. My biggest issue was what they did the to the character. Ok, well if that version isn't going to continue, I suppose I can move on from ending and just appreciate it for what it is. Another thing I have an issue with is the Batsuit. I love the figure but for some reason I can't stand it on film. I wonder what kind of batsuit they'll bring for the new version, since they'll be separating that universe from TDK trilogy.

The reason i love TDK suit is because it was completely different compared to the previous Batmans including BB. The design concept just seemed to work in my eyes. it was not like the previous Batman suits that looked like actual costumes rather than top grade military gear. The suit also really help further the illusion of realism the series was going for.