Hot Toys – MMS183 The Dark Knight Rises Bane Figure

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Tried something a little different. What do you guys think? IMG_2160.jpg

This guy uses a TTM 20. He wanted to keep Bane's skinnier legs, so he switched the torsos. Depending on the look you prefer, it could take a bit of work. Go to 17:00 to see the final result.

Thanks for that! Yeah it will take some effort, and I've never taken a true type apart before.
I used Odin, works like a charm. Some have used Wolverine as well. That TTM body makes Bane slightly taller, if I remember correctly, and also the pants won't fit so the swap would be necessary, or some tailoring on those pants.
I bought a TTM-20 and swapped Bane's arms out with the TTM-20 arms and that was me done and dusted, simple and easy when I did it way back when.
Exactly - not sure why those guys were complicating things; all it takes is an arm swap. The vest doesn't even need to come off.

Here's mine - un modified.

The vest has to come off to swap the arms, the rubber covering off the body needs to be removed to get the the arms a d you cant take that off without removing the vest
You don't swap the upper torso, you only swap the arms but to do that you need to remove the torso cover.

You remove the soft torso covering on both figures, remove the arms on both figures, put the ttm20 arms on the bane body and put the torso coverings back on the correct bodies


Well still seem like less work than swapping the whole upper torso and losing the scar feature.
You don't swap the upper torso, you only swap the arms but to do that you need to remove the torso cover.

You remove the soft torso covering on both figures, remove the arms on both figures, put the ttm20 arms on the bane body and put the torso coverings back on the correct bodies


100% buddy.