Well I know where they're coming from, it's something that no company to my knowledge has ever gotten right on Robocop and it really seemed like Hot Toys had in the proto-shots. People were criticising the finish on the Enterbay 1:4 scale figure on the basis that ''look, Hot Toys did it right'' only to find that the mass-produced HT figure has pretty much ended up exactly like the Enterbay one. It was disappointing.
That said, I'm wondering for how much longer is it going to be 'new information' to people....
First of all people need to stop mis informing others, until they have it in hand:
The RoboCop suits was painted in a variety of ways on different films. The first and third suits were very gray, whereas the suit in 2 tended towards a very plasticy blue. The suit in RoboCop
rime Directives is back to the original gray colour scheme (albeit seriously battle-damaged).
The RoboCop suits are more green than anything when seen in real life - they're painted with a special photoreactive paint that registers metallic on film.
THIRD here is quote from someone who owns it....... from THESKULL:
As for the paint, accurate or not its beautiful in hand, the figure like the movie suit will take on a different look depending on your lighting, those with the color changing dioder lights will love it. It has a deep luster and is mainly silver with purple, blue and a hint of green air brushed thoughout, there's also a super fine metallic flic then finished off with a clear coat finish. So freaking nice,
sounds like the colors from the movie to me you got grey, purple,blue, and even green!