Hot Toys – MMS202D04 - 1/6th scale RoboCop Collectible Figure

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Btw...update on me and my ladies Robocop 87 movie night. So we had our snack dinner and she was all into watching Robocop.
I could tell right from the beginning of the movie she was into it as we didn't speak much at all. Just the nature of the movie that it really engages you.
And yes, she is marriage material hahaha. My whole family knows I love Robocop and Icouldn't be with someone who didn't like this movie.
I remember how much she enjoyed the ED209 parts and commented on how much it looked like my hot toys figure.
She related it a lot to the new Robo movie, which she actually enjoyed. But she much preferred this one.

Good choice of lady's man, hope to find someone like that, someday. Women have a hard time with guys who spend money on these things.
So, hypothetically speaking, if she didn't like Robocop and thought it was pewp, but had other great qualities all around . . . you wouldn't marry her.

I do have the figure in hand.

So what you going to return it then? Cause it sounds like you hate it, also you were pretty **** about your terminators if I'm not mistaken. This figure represents the spirit of Robocop anyone in their right mind will see it and know who it is, unlike SW Han Solo. If you want to bash on Hot Toys go for it, but the figure looks great in videos shot on a phone. I'm sure in hand it looks 10 times better. But you are entitled to your opinion.
So what you going to return it then? Cause it sounds like you hate it, also you were pretty **** about your terminators if I'm not mistaken. This figure represents the spirit of Robocop anyone in their right mind will see it and know who it is, unlike SW Han Solo. If you want to bash on Hot Toys go for it, but the figure looks great in videos shot on a phone. I'm sure in hand it looks 10 times better. But you are entitled to your opinion.

Dude you obviously haven't read many of my posts. I ****ing love this figure. Sure you're not confusing me with someone else?
So, hypothetically speaking, if she didn't like Robocop and thought it was pewp, but had other great qualities all around . . . you wouldn't marry her.


Maybe, I don't know you gotta have some common interest, this doesn't go for everybody, but to me a soulmate your wife, should be your best friend. And really understand what you like. But opposites attract too so who knows. As Doc Brown said: "Love is one of the biggest mystery's in life." Or something to that extent.
Dude you obviously haven't read many of my posts. I ****ing love this figure.

All I read from you is the crappy silver paint and complaining in fact, I read the same like 4 people just posting negative things, and I've read you bash Yulli before when I think her Arnolds look fine.
Dude you obviously haven't read many of my posts. I ****ing love this figure. Sure you're not confusing me with someone else?

I stand corrected and I'm sorry, also just realized you are A-Dev, I remember your posts from way back in the day, sorry I totally miss read your post, you were quoting someone else and I miss read it. As for the Arnold comment I'm not sure where I even got that from either damn, I need to stop flying through everyone's posts, but sometimes its just so hard to keep up with this stuff.

Once again I'm sorry.

I will stand by one thing though the same 4 people are trying to knock this figure down. And if they want to do that so be it, I've seen them bash other hot toys release's too. But to each's own opinion I will just agree to disagree.
I stand corrected and I'm sorry, also just realized you are A-Dev, I remember your posts from way back in the day, sorry I totally miss read your post, you were quoting someone else and I miss read it. As for the Arnold comment I'm not sure where I even got that from either damn, I need to stop flying through everyone's posts, but sometimes its just so hard to keep up with this stuff.

Once again I'm sorry.

Ah....well cool, OK. And sorry about my post above, I'm not insinuating that you lick Hot Toys balls, mainly emphasising that I don't. :lol Yes I do criticise stuff but I'd like to think I balance it out..
I don't lick Hot Toys balls but you seem to have a skewed view of my posts.

Here's my first post upon receiving Robocop:

I don't lick their balls either, if I did I would own every iron man there was out there, or love Koujin but I don't I only like their good stuff, and they ain't saints either every rubber body release has been ****, and the reason why I don't own a single batman figure, but that doesn't mean all their stuff is bad either. Just like any other company Enterbay, or even SS. Everyone one of them have had some **** releases in their time.
Ah....well cool, OK. And sorry about my post above, I'm not insinuating that you lick Hot Toys balls, mainly emphasising that I don't. :lol Yes I do criticise stuff but I'd like to think I balance it out..

Me too, in fact go read my Han Solo post's but there are more people that will lick balls than put up a fight. And I don't want to be viewed as someone that hates everything they release either.
So, hypothetically speaking, if she didn't like Robocop and thought it was pewp, but had other great qualities all around . . . you wouldn't marry her.


Haha. No I mean that would be very superficial of me. I'd love her regardless because we do have a lot of common interests. To be honest, I know her so well and we are so much on the same page that I knew she would like this movie. For me I love having a partner beside me to watch my favorite movies with. She appreciates them and can objectively look at the quality and story. I'm a big movie fan, so it would be hard to be with someone who is not. And she can have her own tastes....just awesome when our tastes align.
And with the collecting, yeah I mean she gets that I love these characters and it gives me a chance to own some of what I loved growing up. I do need to start cutting back on purchases, and I will after this next haul as I've kinda met my goals in terms of the characters I wanted. But again it is great that she says wow, that's amazing and they look so cool... It has further effects when someone embraces your hobbies and interests. I feel very stress free and happy. She's a great woman through and through.
Me too, in fact go read my Han Solo post's but there are more people that will lick balls than put up a fight. And I don't want to be viewed as someone that hates everything they release either.

I tuned out of the Han Solo thread. Don't think I can collect Star Wars high-end so no point in getting involved in the discussion.

It's a balancing act. You don't want to be one extreme or the other. I thought I'd been pretty balanced about Robocop, on the one hand calling it my FOTY while on the other not disregarding 'silver' complaints and so on which is why I was about to get a bit indignant. Difabio sensed it :lol

You mentioned the Terminator figures - I am notoriously fussy about those so chances are you had the right person in mind there to be honest. But, there again, I like to think I sprinkle in some optimism and expression of enjoyment amongst the criticisms. The latest figure for example, as a stock figure I think it's quite flawed but it can be worked with and brought up to a more movie-accurate standard and, if successful, I'll actually enjoy having done that.
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This almost escalated quickly.

I was about to give Fabio crap for bashing EB's finest effort (because I'm a fanboy and that's what fanboys do) but popcollector made me lol, so now im happy.

EB has no balls and Bill is a ******.
I was about to give Fabio crap for bashing EB's finest effort

Was Batman actually trying to gun down the ****er in that scene? Scare him?

How did he miss?

EB's is better bro. It just is.