Took a few preliminary photos tonight; will do a full-on photo shoot this weekend when I can be home during daylight.
I don't have a whole lot to say about Silvercop that hasn't already been said; all the critiques about the paint and the skintones are true, although the skintones don't bother me as much as others. I'm also not having any issues with ankle articulation or an uneven application of violet between the arms and chest as some have reported; I would almost consider those units to be defective if I were those owners.
The articulation is very nice;
love the smooth-rolling neck joint, ratcheted knees, extendible torso and that ball-jointed bend where the black gloves meet the metal (that's movie accurate too). I was expecting more degrees of articulation in the elbows, but the rubber makes the arms bounce back at least 10 degrees from where they're capable of bending. Would have liked more pivot in the ankles as well.
Sound effects work great; no complaints there. I think the face sculpts and paint application (apart from the darkness) all look fantastic, and the likeness of course is spot on. Reviewers all seemed to quickly write off the puckered lips mouthplate, but I quite like it; looks like he's mid-sentence in threatening some d-bag with a bad-ass one-liner.
I agree wholeheartedly that he should've included a sculpted gun hand. Yeah, you can get him to hold the pistol but it takes about 60x longer than popping it into a sculpted hand would take. It always discourages me to repose a figure when I know there's that one thing that's going to take for-damn-ever to re-adjust if I touch him (Keaton's cape, anyone?). Love the rubbery feel of the black bits around his chin and the hands; has a nice premium feel to it.
The holster works well enough (be sure to fold that door and pull the front panel forward people!) but the actual part where the gun sits feels super-chincy, wobbling around and always falling back into the leg. Would have loved for that bit to be stiffer. The stand is just as bad as everyone says; totally worthless in actually supporting the figure (do they even try this crap out?) and impossible not to scratch. I've had the figure for all of six hours and the surface of my stand looks like its been through war.
Silvercop is very silver, and thats very disappointing. He photographs well in controlled lighting environments, but under your typical yellow indoor lightbulb he looks like a flat white silver with no blues/violets whatsoever, and thats just gross looking. I'm also afraid that posing him alongside ED-209 just accentuates the problem; when you see the two together you realize all the more how silver Silvercop is. The box credits JC Hong, Jason Woo and Ray Ling as the "painting controllers", so I guess we have them to thank for Sterling Silvercop. It does really drag down an otherwise remarkable figure.
Value-wise, given the limited accessories, shoddy base and minimal diecast used, I'd say he's about $75 overpriced. $50 if I'm generous. But again, I'm not saying anything everyone else doesn't already know. Pretty sure I was the last person on the planet to receive this figure
I will enjoy Silvercop all the same; I just wish what I saw standing in front of me actually looked like what he does in these photos I took.