Indeed. It took far too long for my 1.0 ED to start disintegrating. The situation seemed so desperate I considered dousing it in acid but patience eventually prevailed. As the old saying goes 'Rotting ED-209 domes come to those who wait'' 

i didn't even buy the first ED-209 for that exact reason. too slow for my taste.It took far too long for my 1.0 ED to start disintegrating.
it's not even friday yet...I love the RoboCock. It's so bad.
i'd need lots of them - at least 3 to pair with Murphy, and plus several for RobocopWhat I would really want to see is an Anne Lewis figure. While a Robo variant would be nice, I'd buy Lewis in a ******* heartbeat to pair her with my Robo in the display case.
Would you kill Bob Morton?
If he made a mistake.
i'd pay you money to make photos of my figures*absolutely beautiful pictures*