To be honest I never was positive for a reboot and now after I saw the trailer I am even more convinced it will be a Total Recall like, soulless SciFi action flick with too much CGI, too much other robots and drones, almost none to no blood and most important too much contemporary scifi klischees.
Can't explain it; I still think the original didn't need a reboot at all.
I have to agree. I don't know why they need to re-boot everything.
love the new suit! Does anyone know if HT is doing the new robocop figures?
Thanks for the trailer. It confirms what I suspected; A simple CGI milking of a wonderfully made film that the pimply-faced executives in Hollywood heard from their parents was a 'classic', and therefor fair game for a good raping. Completely devoid of grit; Any style it may possess is derivative and just plain boring. Dear Paul, I'm SO sorry my friend...
Can't say I'm a fan of the new look. Too streamlined and he doesn't move like he's a robot. Just looks like a guy in a suit, and leaving the human hand doesn't help matters any. Should have just been like the original, total body prosthesis. I agree with most comments here that it won't be gritty enough. The original was fantastic and still is. No need to redo this one.
I may just order this HT Robocop after all. Original movie collectibles might start drying up once this version hits the market.
A PG-13 rating is why you'll see him shooting robots instead of bad guys. Again, completely missing the point of Robocop; he should be taking out scumbag criminals, not a competing army of robots.
Terrible direction to go with the Robocop design; as others have said, looks like a guy in a suit. Walks like a guy in a suit. With the visor up (also terrible), looks like a guy in a scuba gear hood.
It's like they couldn't afford to make him look robotic. And when they make him black, he looks exactly like those terrible accelerator suits from the first GI Joe film.
With Dredd just released last year, and with so many similarities between those two films already, they should have been making an effort to distance themselves from Dredd, but instead they made Robocop look even more like Dredd. Really really dumb.