Super Freak
So who here is getting the whole set of the guardians???
So who here is getting the whole set of the guardians???
I'm sure its just a place holder, until they have time to create the proper one
I am not all in.especially since I gotta start saving for Age of Ultron.
That is going to hurt, if they make everyone from AoU that is probably around 14 figures.
Not to mentiin Episode VII is on the horizon. Thank Gid I don't collect Star Wars too.
Well I already know I'm not getting a Black Widow so that's like 190 off the budget. I'm most likely gonna save on Hulk unless they really make an improvement with him or actually make him smaller. But I'm pretty much in for everyone else. ESPECIALLY Cap, Hawkeye, Ultron, and Vision.
Not getting Widow eh? I like the new suit design, Head sculpt needs to be great though since I'm getting TWS version
Nope I'm not. I think the design is fine for the movie, it's just that TWS costume is literally the comic book costume put on screen and I'm mainly going for definitive versions of characters now for my main Avengers set up. However. Like I've always talked about. If we ever get a Widow sculpt with her signature long comic book hair, I'll gladly just buy the head sculpt and put it on WS Widow. But if there are amazing costumes of characters, I'll be more than happy to get multiple figs, ala Captain America.
I also decided that I will be done with Iron Man as soon as the Mark III comes in so I can finally complete my Iron Man collection. Just a Hall of Armor setup with Tony but I'm glad I waited for the new Mark III. And as good as the AOU Iron Mn looks, I'm already wondering if they might make another suit for Avengers 3 or if they're gonna just stick with this Mark 43 from here on since we won't see Tony again till that film comes out but that's not for years. I'll hopefully have enough money by then to figure out what versions of characters I'll want to get and get the display I want as I'm dedicating two shelves of mine to Avengers, another for Iron Man, and a miscellaneous/villains shelf.
Plus, it doesn't help that I have no idea where to put the Guardians of the Galaxy figures for a while and since I actually really really dig the new design for BvS Wonder Woman, I already did build multiple shelves to put in my room in case I wanna expand to a Cosmic Marvel display to a DC display. Just imagining what my shelves will look like in the next 8 years or so is just awe inspiring with all the new characters we're gonna get in time. Rumors of Carol Danvers popping up in AOU, CONFIRMED doctor Strange, and hopefully Black Panther? The possibilities, man. Which is why I really hope HT gets the license for Daredevil and the rest of the Netflix gang.
WOW 8 years from now, and if the MCU keeps going to 2022 which I hope it does
Cant even imagine
A little more than 2022