Hot Toys – MMS257 – Back to the Future: 1/6th scale Marty McFly Collectible Figure

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Finally!Now let's hope a Doc announcement is right around the corner.

One observation.You would think that after years of improving themselves,they never bothered using buttons instead of velcro on pants?I never liked how it looked and should at least be on the back hidden instead.
I think it's great and look forward to getting it. But I might as well go ahead and say it. They ruined the hair. Most of the blogger pics are hiding it a little or losing it in shadow.
Much better on the photo, they made it narrow, tighter to fit the headphones I guess.

Still he came out great, and if that tailoring is as good as Amazing Spiderman 2 gear (quite similar) then it will be amazing in hand.
The pics are not mine...just in case

I got to say the tailoring on this figure looks fantastic. Overall looks like a home run! Very excited to get mine in!
Figure looks how I figured it would. Nice work as usual from HT, though the sculpt is a bit "soft" as is the norm nowadays, this is pretty much the prototype, which is good! Love the buttons on his denim jacket.

Did they end up getting the right graphics on the board, or will there be a bunch of customisers running off decals for that as well as the sneakers?
It doesn't have the Valterra logo, as expected. So, decals will be needed for that, the shoes, and for the Walkman.
This question gets asked a LOT but... (bare in mind I have never ordered from the UK, despite living in this hell hole) how long (roughly) does it take for UK sellers to get new releases in stock. I assume HT don't send to international sellers at launch and that China/HK have a pre-determined exclusivity before any other regions begin getting stock?

Sorry, I know it's been asked before.