Super Freak
IMO, this figure is perfect.
I don't get the suddern hate for this figure I guess its just a select few but it wasn't long since everyone here was praising hell out of this figure.
Anyone recomend it, I mean what actual problems does it have? cuz i want this lol
it's not gonna feel cheap to me because I know how much I paid for WM
That is part of the problem, people who got this early acted like it was the second coming in terms of action figures, expectations got so high that once I received it, realistically it'd never live up to the hype on the boards. Compared the Tony Mark suits is fairly meh. While it IS plastic that is supposed to look like painted metal, the Mark suits have a gloss to them, a sheen on most parts that give it that look and feel, this is a flat finish that makes it look more like plastic. I can see why people whom have never had a Iron Man figure before are going ape____ about it but having been through the first line the appeal wears thin on the suit and leave just the product which I think is roughly a 7/10.
Actual problems? The connection for the sidearm guns is a plastic "peg" which I've seen snap off on more than one time for more than one collector. The stand doesn't fit perfectly onto because of the width of the crotch which makes me a little nervous and the connectors for the eyes seem to be plaguing a bit but nothing super serious that most HT collectors haven't found easy work arounds.
You'd think huh? For me it feels cheaper because I know how much I paid for it...[/QUOTE]
It feels cheap as its so light but it doesnt look cheap and isnt that all that matters? Most people have it behind glass so I doubt it will be handled much. Now the mark iii v1that does look plasticy but few complained about that paint.
It feels cheap as its so light but it doesnt look cheap and isnt that all that matters? Most people have it behind glass so I doubt it will be handled much. Now the mark iii v1that does look plasticy but few complained about that paint.
Yeah, on display like what The Josh said, its looks pretty bad ass......
This figure is better then all previous Iron Man 1 movie figures from Hot Toys...its more accurately designed.
The Iron Man figures from the first movie are ____ing awesome (Hasbro?). Are the figures from 2 better designed? Yup, cause HT has improved even more since then.
The Iron Man figures from the first movie are ____ing awesome (Hasbro?). Are the figures from 2 better designed? Yup, cause HT has improved even more since then.