Depending what happens in Endgame there might be a drought of suits going forward so 1/4 might get more attention.
Looking forward to your thoughts on comparing both quarter scale Mark3 and Mark45Agree, I'm highly anticipating this Mk III. HT's 1/4 line is my favorite and my most favorite figure is probably the 1/4 Mk XLV.
Very possible. Interested to see what new details and new features Hot Toys will be putting in their quarter scale figures.Depending what happens in Endgame there might be a drought of suits going forward so 1/4 might get more attention.
I've resisted the 1/4 line thus far...but a quarter scale 46 (or a 47) would most certainly push me over the edge.
I too hope they sink their teeth into this scale for IMs a bit more after Endgame. Not enough space or $ to get dupes of EVERY suit in 1/6 and 1/4, but in a heartbeat I’d jump on a Mk 7, 46, 50, and 85. Seems like they’d want to do a War Machine too if this line ever picks up the pace.
This will be my first 1/4 scale figure, and considering how the Joker turned out it may be my only for a long while. Very much still undecided on that one. Anyway, I would personally jump at the Mk 5, 6, and 7 if any of those get made. Maybe the 46.
But seriously, could you imagine a 1/4 scale Mk 5 and all the extra moveable panels and pieces they could incorporate? And an actual new head sculpt with correct hair?
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Still considering this, but waiting for final photos first to make sure they haven't painted it the same bright red as on the 1/6 version. The armor looks so fantastic and I'm loving the better proportions, so it would be a shame if they ruined it with another bad paint job.
Still considering this, but waiting for final photos first to make sure they haven't painted it the same bright red as on the 1/6 version. The armor looks so fantastic and I'm loving the better proportions, so it would be a shame if they ruined it with another bad paint job.
Looking forward to your thoughts on comparing both quarter scale Mark3 and Mark45
Very possible. Interested to see what new details and new features Hot Toys will be putting in their quarter scale figures.
I get excited every time I see this thread gets bumped up, thinking that there’s some news on this figure or even just a fellow freak showing interest in it.
No matter the reason, eager to see reactions and thoughts when pictures show of this figure end product and comments when have it in hand.
Any particular reason why this is listed as "new arrival" on Hot Toys website?