Around $400 including shippingWhat is "embarrassingly expensive"?
Around $400 including shippingWhat is "embarrassingly expensive"?
For a painted sculpt or just unpainted? $400 for the painted sculpt isn’t terrible but for an unpainted one that’s pretty outrageous.Around $400 including shipping
It’s painted. It’s about $100 more than I would’ve liked to pay but the likeness is insane.For a painted sculpt or just unpainted? $400 for the painted sculpt isn’t terrible but for an unpainted one that’s pretty outrageous.
How does one get that headsculpt? I see they have an IG and FB page, but no site? Are all orders by PM only? If so, how much do they cost?
It’s painted. It’s about $100 more than I would’ve liked to pay but the likeness is insane.
Just for fun. I had a hard time finding a straight up picture of the endgame head. Anyway, I know which one of these ranks last:
Yeah I was totally about to do it when I decided to jump on the order for the new head.It looks fantastic!
If this was available before I acquired then painted the Strike Suit head I would have considered it. I spent quite a bit of time and effort painting that headsculpt because it was my first time attempting that sort of thing. So if I take into account my time and aggravation, 400 doesn’t seem terrible.
That said I can see why some would not be willing to pay that much or anything for an alternate sculpt for that figure. A lot of people are fine with the stock sculpt while others will find the custom sculpt too expensive. I guess it all comes down to the subjectivity of “value”
But I have to say that ultimately I’m sort of glad I did the mod because I learned a lot about doing stuff like that, gained confidence, and had a pretty good outcome …but again if this were available a few months ago I would have STRONGLY considered it.
Please be sure to share some pics when your custom sculpt arrives, I think it’s going to look really good!
Yeah I was totally about to do it when I decided to jump on the order for the new head.
I did end up doing my first custom BD FFH Spider-Man and I totally know what you mean about gaining confidence. It's so much fun even though I had to buy some supplies first.
Later on I painted my own "Instant kill" eyes for the Iron Spider figure.
No matter how much the stock sculpt would bother me, no way in hell I would pay $400 for a freaking headsculpt. These customizers are just taking advantage of people.
There is nothing even special about it, not like it has rooted hair, made of silicon, etc. While I get that it is "custom art" there is a line there as far as what something like this is worth.
Absolutely ridiculous.
We deserve another plague? People have been paying high prices for custom work since before this hobby began.They are not taking advantage of ANYONE. No one is forcing anybody to spend $400 on a doll head.
It is bad enough that we spend thousands on these things, but another one is to buy a $400 gd doll head.
Straight up insanity. We deserve another plague. You can not make this **** up.
gross really.
I ended up liking 2012 Cap more than I thought I would, so he is my top pic... second would definitely be Civil War Cap and then Endgame.Question for everyone - Now that the EG final battle and 2012 2.0 are out (and presumably the final appearances of Steve Rogers CA), what would be your favorite Captain America figure be? Lots of good choices surely, there's AOU, CW, this EG scale-mail.
I'm hard pressed, as most are solid figures.
Here’s a few. There’s also my cap head without the paint jobYeah doing your own mods can be really satisfying no doubt.
That sounds like a sweet mod on the Iron Spider, when you get a chance share a few pics, would love to see it