I guess I was hoping that something good would be coming to me since I'm furloughed from work. I think I have reposed my HT figures five times in the past two weeks.

Hopefully all the necessary changes are being made with the delay.
Well, this just blows. Just received notification that the Cap Endgame figure won't be out until Oct to Jan 2021. Wonder if this is all because of the pandemic hitting the world. Was setting a place up for him on my shelf.![]()
Yeah, I think Hawkeye will get pushed back, too. It's nothing I didn't already expect.
Don't be surprised if EG Black Widow and Hawkee/Ronin also get backed up until fall. They were all supposed to be out Apr - Jun
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I do wonder if they're pushing back figures that they people will more likely hold their pre-orders for. So far, the first ever figure of Nebula and Captain America, who always has to be a good seller for them. Hawkeye and Widow are popular but also the 4th and 6th? figure representation of those characters, respectively. It may also be that they simply haven't adjusted back Hawkeye and Widow yet, and everything will roll back to fall/winter. I hope there's still a staggering as an onslaught of figures at once is a little rough...
Yeah. But I'd be surprised if already-delayed and newer figs like Mando roll in all at once. Because besides the factory shutdowns it's all the shipping shutdowns and delays and just read someplace that in order to bring in stuff for school and holidays, companies are planning to ship now - where usually that would happen May/June.
Sounds like everyone is fighting for cargo space by sea or air; and everything is congested anyway. Suspect that some figures are done or near completion, but there's no way to move them.
Good perspective. Hadn't thought about the shipping congestion.
I guess i missed it but Cap looks significantly better in the Thor pictures. Looks like the scales are more accurate, traps still need work tho. Fingers crossed final product looks great.