Super Freak
You would think they would release the rest of the Avengers figure before the movie is out next week?
Not at the pace they are going
You would think they would release the rest of the Avengers figure before the movie is out next week?
You would think they would release the rest of the Avengers figure before the movie is out next week?
From what little I can see from the teaser shot the chest armor looks to be a mix of material and hard plastic parts, not a complete hard plastic shell like the first release. Also it looks like the gauntlets are different, about the same thing; half and half. The pants look different as well, blue with some red stripping. The butt of the hammer handle looks different too. He may be a completely different figure, not like I thought, but still I can’t afford but one Thor figure.
https://www.nticentral.org/?utm_source=Website&utm_medium=Redirect&utm_campaign=Error+404 Here's a link 4 jobs for ya.......
To have money for saving you need to have extra money to put away. I'm living on a fixed income, my savings are gone, and in the last year that I've been disabled I've already used 24,000 of my IRAs to make up the difference of what I used to make working. I've pretty much had to let go of a dozen figures I'd like to have had, bite the bullet on figures I really wanted before they get to high to afford at all (more debt), and come to the conclusion that after Avengers (ones that haven't already been made) and this year I'll have to give up on this hobby. Buying new figures at all that is.
Anyone know whose hiring disabled people, who can hardly leave home?