this shot has me laughing, just the posture and expression, as if his mom told him he has to come inside and can't play with his friends anymore
"Thanos, I told you to come inside when the street lights come on!"
"Aw mom....."
View attachment 477904
Might've already been mentioned, but the highlight of the announcement for me was the tease of an Endgame Scarlet Witch. Might never happen, but gave me a sliver of hope.
What will drop more in value in a few years, the IW Thanos or the BD Thanos?
Battle-damaged variants tend to hold/go up in value more than the standard figures, for whatever reason.
I see reasons to buy both the Damaged and Clean versions, namely the gauntlet. This is Battle Damaged Thanos is the True End Game version; the Clean one is really just the way he looked in the beginning of Infinity War when he fights Thor and Hulk.
And that's not even fully accurate since he has all the stones in the Gauntlet. They could've at least let them be removable to do that scene. Same thing with the IW so you could have him putting the last one in he ripped from Vision.