Sorry to stay offtopic..
Void, how old was Bruce Wayne at Begins/Dark Knight? I think he was something around 27, remember he was around 20 when he came back from Pinceton University, and then he was gone for 7 years.. and Dark Knight is right after Begins, so he was 27 in both, Begins and Dark Knight. And if you look at the trailer, when Alfred talks to Bruce, Bruce looks still young, so my guess is, that conversation between Bruce and Alfred is right after Dark Knight.. that is why I think something really bad happened to Bruce in the Dark Knight.
Maybe he is not psychologically well after, Rachel's death and remember after all, he killed Harvey Dent (to save Gotham's hope?).
And Bruce looks young at the "party" where he dance with Selina.
The thing is, Bruce looks much more older than (27+8) 35 years old, in prison, he looks around 42 to me... So many quations with the new trailer..

.. Awesome trailer by the way.
PS: Tumblers everywhere in TDKR