Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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Thanks guys, after seeing the new version sculpted for the BR version I noticed the original V1 jaw line was too thin and the mouth didn't have the proper scarring or the pouty upper lip that Heath had, and the distance between the nose and top lip was too large. So with a little magic sculpt, patience, and a new paint app I think it looks much closer to Heath than before.
Finally got my joker from toys2, and he's more awesome than i anticipated. Even with knowing about the new head with the BR joker i was still amazed by this one when i got him out of the box, the whole figure is spectacular.

Some pics out of the box:


And after i did very minor paintwork on his face:


Once i got him in hand and was looking at pics from tdk i found that the lipstick was just not quite red enough but the eyemakeup wasn't as bad as i assumed, its just too airbrushed looking, but it didn't need to be alot bigger like i'd originally assumed so i didnt really go too far with him. I'll probably end up replacing this head with the new one anyway so i didnt feel like going nuts just yet, but its still damn good too me.
Its all poster there, like i said i got lazy with the last one, its just hte HT head ps'd onto the poster.
yeah, I know.. those are some fantastic shots.. but I like the first and second one the best.. something about the third one... peda written all over it.
Nice shots Magnuz!

The poster with the Joker's back to us is probably my favorite and the HT figure pulls it off very well.
love these joker pics. i must admit that my interests have somehow died a bit lately for dark knight stuff - but i know as soon as i get the dark knight suit next week, i'll be back again as a Dark Knight hot toys junkie.
wow while i wasnt wowed by the pictures on the web, once i actually opened mine, i was extremely satisfied. i was one of those face accuracy junkies but i didnt care for some reason, hot toys managed to capture that aura and atmosphere with this figure. i dont even notice the inaccuracy anymore. five stars for HT!
Lord of Darkness still freaks me out. Fantastic music from that film though, Tangerine Dream!
Finally got mine yesterday, very impressed. My first HT figure too :D Got more on order, can't wait to get them in hand too.

Have to say the head sculpt isn't as bad as I was expecting, its not Ledger at all but still a great amount of detail in there. Here's some pics I took today


love these joker pics. i must admit that my interests have somehow died a bit lately for dark knight stuff - but i know as soon as i get the dark knight suit next week, i'll be back again as a Dark Knight hot toys junkie.

So did Joe get confirmation it was TDK suit Bats?