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Here is trial 1 of my shoes. Quite happy with them and they look neat in hand!




Hey Snake, those look bad ass! Very realistic looking, all you gotta add now is the hidden knife on the bottom! Good job!! :clap:clap
I could never tell if the knife was in his shoe or if he just kicked it up

By watching the movie again... I believe the knife is ether on the bottom of his shoe... because he taps his foot on the ground to make the blade pop out... Its ether that or in the shoe itself with a hidden switch to release the blade on the bottom of his foot...
By watching the movie again... I believe the knife is ether on the bottom of his shoe... because he taps his foot on the ground to make the blade pop out... Its ether that or in the shoe itself with a hidden switch to release the blade on the bottom of his foot...

It's funny watching it in real slow mo on bluray. When it goes to the close up of the shoe, it looks amatuerish how it just slides out from nowhere lol, of course, in proper motion, it all looks slick.
In real life, if you were to have something setup like that, and i presume how you would set it up. You would hollow the base/sole of the shoe, mount the knife body in there, having the blade run along the underneath of the sole, or inside, and having a release button INSIDE the shoe, under the heel perhaps. Firm enough to walk with and hold, but when pushed/ tapped solidly into the ground like the joker does, with pressure from the heel, would release the catch and spring the knife out, from, as said, along the sole, or from inside it. Easily done with the right tools
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It's funny watching it in real slow mo on bluray. When it goes to the close up of the shoe, it looks amatuerish how it just slides out from nowhere lol, of course, in proper motion, it all looks slick.
In real life, if you were to have something setup like that, and i presume how you would set it up. You would hollow the base/sole of the shoe, mount the knife body in there, having the blade run along the underneath of the sole, or inside, and having a release button INSIDE the shoe, under the heel perhaps. Firm enough to walk with, but when tapped like the joker does, would release the catch and spring the knife out, from, as said, along the sole, or from inside it. Easily done with the right tools

You just beat me to that explanation. Perfect.

It is most definitely inside his shoe, with an extra layer/sole protecting his foot from the mechanism. I have been fiddling with this tricky business in 1/6, (to actually fit this inside the slim HT Joker shoes), for a whiles now. Proving quite difficult.
You just beat me to that explanation. Perfect.

It is most definitely inside his shoe, with an extra layer/sole protecting his foot from the mechanism. I have been fiddling with this tricky business in 1/6, (to actually fit this inside the slim HT Joker shoes), for a whiles now. Proving quite difficult.

Keep it up man! You can do it! I guess a good starting point would be like how the Hot Toy preds' wrist blades slide out, but like u said, using the thin shoe is hard to fit that type of mechanism. And it'd also look silly with some kind handle sticking out the side of his shoe.
It's funny watching it in real slow mo on bluray. When it goes to the close up of the shoe, it looks amatuerish how it just slides out from nowhere lol, of course, in proper motion, it all looks slick.
In real life, if you were to have something setup like that, and i presume how you would set it up. You would hollow the base/sole of the shoe, mount the knife body in there, having the blade run along the underneath of the sole, or inside, and having a release button INSIDE the shoe, under the heel perhaps. Firm enough to walk with and hold, but when pushed/ tapped solidly into the ground like the joker does, with pressure from the heel, would release the catch and spring the knife out, from, as said, along the sole, or from inside it. Easily done with the right tools

Haha I thought all Joker had to do was to make a fist with his toes like bruce willis in die hard 1, and BAM knife comes out! :banana (sorry slow day at work)
Keep it up man! You can do it! I guess a good starting point would be like how the Hot Toy preds' wrist blades slide out, but like u said, using the thin shoe is hard to fit that type of mechanism. And it'd also look silly with some kind handle sticking out the side of his shoe.

Well, that sort of mechanism is my back up, but I actually want a blade that pops out somehow. Won't give up yet, but need to get some more shoes to practice on.
Got my extra DX gear today for the V1. Fits nicely on the regular TT. I was a little pissed when i was opening it how dark the coat was, but after some handling and when you put it in comparison to the pants and on the figure, it's ok. Darker than my V1, well, more faded out i should say. Quite bulky i found, a big fit. Shoulder boards will help it. Vest is very nice. LOVEEEEEEEE the blazer, it's sooo thin, which takes away the bulkyness. Still have to redo these the correct colors, that's what the tests were for. Quickest pics ever.





