Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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Well until more DX parts become more widely available and I get around to purchasing the shirt,tie, and overcoat my Joker stands ready to spread some Christmas fear.


Oh, and Leon's just there to keep the peace.

Hot Toys had exactly the same idea as you!!!
I wish I am in HK to pick it up right now
GoHastings had it on sale for $70 bucks through Amazon so I picked one up. My intention is to slap the spare Bank Robber Joker head on it like everyone else, but honestly, it really does look like "The Joker" if not Heath Ledger well enough.
Yeah head is a repaint back then it was big deal for me... I didnt want to miss up my Joker... Im not even going to touch the DX head it looks good enough on its own...

I've really taken a shine to the DX now that I've had it and
did a repaint on it. That's right people, I touched my DX with
some paint and brushes, it's okay, it will be alright...:lol :lol :rotfl





I love him now. Really brings out the creppy factor with the new paint and being able to move the eyes. :D

What do you think??
I've really taken a shine to the DX now that I've had it and
did a repaint on it. That's right people, I touched my DX with
some paint and brushes, it's okay, it will be alright...:lol :lol :rotfl

I love him now. Really brings out the creppy factor with the new paint and being able to move the eyes. :D

What do you think??

As long as you like it... But he looked way better right out the box if you ask me... Oh and I like my Bank Robber Joker repaint better then I like the DX head...
How do you paint the hot toys? I need to paint a hot toys figure but i dont know how and hoy toys dont recommend me either... searching on the net I only find more bad news, it is said that the paint goes out after manipulating the figure, touching is not recommended after the painting....
IKE-CON, don't suppose you could zoom out to a view you would normally see in real life instead of super close up.

You didn't use enamel did you? because it's very shiny like varnish/gloss instead of matte acrylic.
Nice attempt at DX repaint but I agree that the black smudges above his eyes are too even and angular
See new pictures below. I think I fixed it.

IKE-CON, don't suppose you could zoom out to a view you would normally see in real life instead of super close up.

You didn't use enamel did you? because it's very shiny like varnish/gloss instead of matte acrylic.

No enamel, I did touch up parts with clear coat, but check out pictures
below now. I took some of the shine off, I think its better.

I like that a lot. Only suggestion is that the black smudges above his eyes seem a little too even, maybe muss those up a bit, but that is a nice repaint.

Yes, look and read below, I think I got it now.

Did you hear he auditioned for a part in Reign of Fire. Wait, I think I found some pictures...:lol :lol






Actually, after looking at it for a day, the black above the eye's and running red from the mouth was to strong.
So I toned it down a bit, by brushing it out with some paint thinner. This also removed some clear coat that was causing to much shine.

Do you think he looks better now? :joy
Last edited:
The last two pics look really nice. No treacle look to it. As if it was done in the factory. The bright light for the first 3 in post #3713 with the bright light was making it look cheesy as if there was lip gloss or something along those lines.

You should try adding realism to the hair bring out the roots take away the joint look from the hair to head.

I think the face is perfect as is. Don't tamper with it anymore.
Excellent improvement. Overall great repaint, my only gripe is that the DX head doesn't really lend itself too well to the interrogation type paintjob - the expression is perfect for the mob scene and I prefer him having the full fledged make-up with that expression.
Well here he is finished anyways. My DX Joker with final repaint in
some action shots. Hope you like :D




