Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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Thank you. Mabye i'll buy another Joker head on the bay...slowly over time...i'll get 'em together.
Does HT still have the license for Batman Begins? If they have both films, then I'd love to see the following:

Harvey Two-Face - just this need for plain ol' Harv, and I can't see how 2-in-1 would work here.

Scarecrow (w/ suit and alternate Cillian Murphy portrait)

Ra's al Ghul (with suit and cane)

Jim Gordon with SWAT Gear

Bruce Wayne (League of Shadows Gear)
Does HT still have the license for Batman Begins? If they have both films, then I'd love to see the following:

Harvey Two-Face - just this need for plain ol' Harv, and I can't see how 2-in-1 would work here.

Scarecrow (w/ suit and alternate Cillian Murphy portrait)

Ra's al Ghul (with suit and cane)

Jim Gordon with SWAT Gear

Bruce Wayne (League of Shadows Gear)

I dont think making a plain version would be all that difficult...
two head sculpts (offered with most nowaday already)
change of hands (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
two different coins the burnt scratched one, and the normal trick coin ;)
I'd love to see it this way.
The Clark 2 in 1 had him in Superman persona as the default with the suit in the box as well as different HS. The Two-Face would work the exactly the same way with a full non damaged suit included with undamaged HS. I don't see why they wouldn't offer it that way.
The Clark 2 in 1 had him in Superman persona as the default with the suit in the box as well as different HS. The Two-Face would work the exactly the same way with a full non damaged suit included with undamaged HS. I don't see why they wouldn't offer it that way.

so they could milk us dry offering 2 versions of harvey:lol
Does HT still have the license for Batman Begins? If they have both films, then I'd love to see the following:

Harvey Two-Face - just this need for plain ol' Harv, and I can't see how 2-in-1 would work here.

Scarecrow (w/ suit and alternate Cillian Murphy portrait)

Ra's al Ghul (with suit and cane)

Jim Gordon with SWAT Gear

Bruce Wayne (League of Shadows Gear)

I hope they do make a scarecrow figure eventually
Just orderd a Les Walker Custom Joker Head for this bad boy when he arrives from


and the Medi for comparison :

I dont think making a plain version would be all that difficult...
two head sculpts (offered with most nowaday already)
change of hands (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
two different coins the burnt scratched one, and the normal trick coin ;)
I'd love to see it this way.

You need two different suits too because Two-Face's was burned. That's my point: two different heads, two different suits, alternate hand...those are the ingredients for a completely separate figure.
I just saw The Dark Knight for the second time yesterday, and this time I could pay closer attention to things like Batman's suit and the Joker's makeup. The makeup really changed a lot from scene to scene, since it would get smeared or partially wiped off and then re-applied. I mentioned earlier that I didn't like having the black from his eyes go up onto his forehead, but depending on the scene it definitely does that. It's most obvious in the interrogation scene, although there is a little in some others as well. The area under his nose (the mustache area) always remains white, with some red on the upper lip. The red on his cheeks is pretty messy at times, but it's not totally random -- they seemed to stick more or less to a pattern, so if you're painting the figure yourself, I would definitely work from some stills from the film to see what the basic shape is.

I'll also have to say that I will have to agree with the people who say that this figure doesn't really look that much like Ledger did in the film. It's a fantastic figure, and the best Joker available by far (IMHO), but it IS different from how he looked in the film. That said, from what I've seen of the Medicom version it isn't even a contender, and despite the fact that the DCD version is a scan of Ledger's head, I don't think it's clearly better. Les' redone version (which is a friggin work of ART, and the best Joker head I've seen) doesn't look exactly like he did in the film.

Still, the Hot Toys version definitely "feels" like the Joker -- especially with a little makeup tweaking.
You need two different suits too because Two-Face's was burned. That's my point: two different heads, two different suits, alternate hand...those are the ingredients for a completely separate figure.

I would've said the same thing about Superman and Clark Kent, but we know how that turned out. I think they could do something with the suit where you have a removable section that reveals the burnt part.
Way I see it with Harvey Dent and Two-Face, we'll either get a 2 in 1 or just Two-Face, but I don't see ever getting a lone Harvey Dent figure, I don't think he had the screen presence to make him desirable for a mass group, Two-Face is the main figure seller. I'll take Harvey if it's a 2 in 1 but I'll never buy a just Harvey figure set, and two in 1, depending on what method they'd use for making the burnt suit, wouldn't be hard, TF head and suit with a damaged coin is all that sets TF apart from Harvey, the pistol was used by Harvey and clear shots of Harvey's left hand have it unburnt so you don't need alternate hands.
I'll also have to say that I will have to agree with the people who say that this figure doesn't really look that much like Ledger did in the film. It's a fantastic figure, and the best Joker available by far (IMHO), but it IS different from how he looked in the film. That said, from what I've seen of the Medicom version it isn't even a contender, and despite the fact that the DCD version is a scan of Ledger's head, I don't think it's clearly better. Les' redone version (which is a friggin work of ART, and the best Joker head I've seen) doesn't look exactly like he did in the film.

I brought this over from another thread as I think it's relevant about the make-up.

I made this photoshop image of the DC head just to see what could be done with the DC head if a really good paint job, and a wee bit of re sculpting was done concerning the hair.

I transplanted the HT hair onto the DC head to see how that style of sculpted hair would look. I brought the hairline down somewhat too, as I feel that the there's far too much forehead showing. I also took parts of parts of Ledgers make-up and overlaid it onto the figures head in places to give it more accurate colouring. Bringing the black around his eyes out more etc.



This shows you that there is a lot of potential in this head, it just needs a good customizer to bring it out, sadly. This would be an ideal version for me, which is pretty much what Les has done with his.

After saying that the HT version is beautifully sculpted (especially the hair) just not a great likeness for me personally. I'm still going to try and scrape up enough money to get him at some point though.
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That does look a lot like him. Of course photoshop can be misleading.

Does anyone know how big the head from this bobblehead is? It might be a cheap alternative for customs if it was close enough to sixth scale.

The whole figure is supposed to be 6 inches tall, so with an oversized head like that I thought it might be close to the right size.

However this youtube video implies that it's about 50% too big (unless you want a Sideshow Joker -- I kid!) Too bad, since it looks like a pretty good sculpt.
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