Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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He said he would start shipping this week, but I think its gonna be towards wednesday or thursday more likely.
if my parents still had control over that kind of thing, waiting 2 months till the end of september would ^^^^ing kill me.
Luckily i can buy my toys myself now XD
this pic is outstanding.

Thank you very much! :) The main reason I took the suit out is his shoulders go too straight outwards with it on, and in most of the promo pics there is an angle to his shoulders, so this achieves it better.

Okay, seeing all of these awesom pics of The Joker, I think I'm going to have to break down and get one. Is StudioSunny a good seller to deal with on eBay?

Yes, I bought my Medi Tiger Stripes Snake from him. Good seller.
I don't have a light box or anything fancy, and my cam is a few years old, but I'll post a few of my shots anyway. I should add that I touched up the paint on his face, basically by making the red paint around his mouth a little messier and darkening around the eyes a bit.





Could you take a pic of the HT Joker next to the DC Joker? Standing straight poses, so I can see the hight?
Thanks for the pictures, now I'm really glad I got HT Batman Begins, Taks is a bit too short compared to Joker for me.
Could we please see more shots of the Joker looking straight or even with head tilted up? Or a shot from a lower angle looking up?

It seems too many are taking pics with him looking down...
Here ya go. Apologies if the quality's lacking, but again, my cam is ancient by tech standards. The main reason you see most people posing him looking down is because, quite honestly, that's the best he'll look. He's based on a pretty specific picture from the film, so when viewed at any angle but the intended one, he looks a little "off".





