Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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We'll see what happens.

Checking out Joker now, nice job HT did with the coat, it's very light, soft material but not so light it seems unrepresentative of what the film coat likely was made of, kudos for that.

Very alive looking portrait, even if not made up just right.
I just have to repost this for anyone who missed it, I just love this background, wonderful work Agen! :clap
Real cool!

NEWS FLASH! ABC shipped my HT Joker out two days back, and I paid expedited, so he should be in my mitts any day now. EXPECT SERIOUS REPAINT ACTIVITY! :rock
Must know what this debated head is like for myself!
Real cool!

NEWS FLASH! ABC shipped my HT Joker out two days back, and I paid expedited, so he should be in my mitts any day now. EXPECT SERIOUS REPAINT ACTIVITY! :rock
Must know what this debated head is like for myself!

SWEET! Needless to say, like everyone else here, I will be totally looking forward to seeing the repaint! I was one of the more skeptical people about the head, and have my HT Joker on order. Let's see if a repaint really does the trick.
Best I could get tonight, just too much going on around me, don't have the photo touch right now.



Since it's a bit topic of discussion and debate, here's my take now with in hand point of view.


1. The black eye makeup and the red mouth makeup do not resemble the style of Heath's makeup, be it promo images or the film, the black wasn't faded like the figure, and the red was much thicker and sloppier.

2. Mouth scars are too undefined. Having Les' Joker, i can see and feel the difference in the scars between DCD's scan and the HT sculpt. HT's has a face with carvings made into it, but the damaged tissue doesn't puff out. Leger's prosthetics added mass to his cheeks, almost like his skin was boils from a burn or something, quite pronounced, HT doesn't have that going.

3. Facial emotional expression isn't representative of Heath's Joker.

4. The whites of the eyes are about 50% grey, looks like they painted them over the black makeup with a lith white so the black comes through making them grey. Heath's eyes were like Jack Sparrow, you rarely saw color in them and because of the makeup, the white was very strong. The HT eyes are more subdued.

5. Hair really only resembles some promo images, and primarily the scene with Gamble and the "aggressive expansion", so it's not bad or wrong, but not the right style to represent it from the movie as a whole.

6. Hair color; where most of the time in the movie, Heath's hair was a natural color at his scalp and faded to really green at the tips, this hair is painted like brown hair with green highlights, doesn't quite have the same effect.

So there, to me, is why likeness is an issue. I believe that the sculpt was meant to and probably is 80-90% on to what Heath would look like making that face, but due to the factors above, that becomes hard to see. Given the right repaint, I think this portrait can be made to have a pretty good resemblance to Ledger's Joker, not blatant, but much closer than the factory effort.

Having said that, I'm not bashing the sculpt or the paint apps or the figure, I love it, I'm happy with my money spent on it and I think it's one of Hot Toys better overall figure efforst simply from a production view, I just wanted to give my take on the Ledger likeness issue as it comes up a lot and I have strong opinions.
Nice Summary Sean... from what I've seen so far I think you're spot on with the critique. By no means a terrible figure, but to me falls short of what I usually expect from HT in the headsculpt and paint department.
what I usually expect from HT in the headsculpt and paint department.

Thing is, while the paint is not right for the movie, the actual execution, to me, is first rate. I'll do my best in future photos to capture it for folks, but the way they put the white with skin showing through, it has a great sense that it's not a white head but white put onto a flesh face, really incredible to see in person, and the eyes are very lifelike, just again, not true to the film style.

In terms of production quality, this figure is every bit up to HT's standards and may even set some new ones, the clothing layering is just reall well done. This figure just happens to be a step back for HT in source material representation. Still a great figure.


To me the problem is a question of painting, as it seems HT tryed to match these promo shots and not the agressive look of the Joker on film.
Thing is, even in promo shots, the black around his eyes has a solid point where it meets the white, I'm not sure what posessed them to fade the black, but a lot of manufacturers have done it that way, I think DCD did too, I know Mattel has.
I agree with you. I have mine still boxed, but I'm still thinking if customise or not the Joker's face paint...
I've had mine now for about a week and I love it! I do wonder what Les could do with this particular portrait to make it more "screen accurate". I did add black to the eye makeup and some more red to the smile, but still not happy with what I did. I personally love the expression, but don't have the eyes Les does to really bring out "the Heath" on this sculpt. I do agree in Maulfans assessment on the facial scars, that they could be reworked to make the scars more accurate. Overall tho I absolutely love this figure and rank it as one of the best fig's I own.