Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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While it may not be a perfect ledger, I haven't seen a Joker headsculpt that is, yet. And you can't deny that the HT one is very expressive:







Thanks guys, I found them by going back through the pages then came back to find a direct link posted :lol

I'll definitely print them off also

I JUST got in my Hot Toys Joker!

Here he is!


I will refrain here from comparing my head with it's as I want to just address the figure here. I address my head in the Customs thread area.

Anyway, my two cents.
Having had my own Joker custom for a few months, several things have become preferred to me, which this figure does not accomodate, namely richer colors. Now, some of the photos I see of some of your's are awesomely rich, like the classic train Joker shot. So, what gives?!?!? Are some of the runs with black coats??? I do not like it so dark. Sorry. And I thought the DCD was washed out!!!!

As for the head, it is ok. I do not perfer it over my own head, and that is not just a selling ploy. I just don't prefer it. BUT, as a cool Joker head, is is just that, COOL! It looks like someone else that resembles Ledger, with makeup on, and in a similar manner, but it is not screen accurate at all. This has been said well enough.
But, it is still cool! I agree with anyone here who defend it's inate Joker-ness.

As for the accessories, all wicked. Love the knife and cards best.

The tie leaves a lot to be desired. I prefer the DCD over it.
Shoes, the same.
Socks, ok, but not the right pattern, and I am sorry HT didn't go with feet for better looking ankles, etc.

The muted colors bug me though. I am sorry. I wish I had gotten one of the more bright ones. Mine's coat is almost black, as are the hands. No effort to purple them at all. Maybe repainting the hands will help it come over some.

Inner attire is ok. Vest is nice. Shirt is nice. Pants are wonderful! Chain is scaled and nice, if not drooping enough, I will fix that.

All in all, a 7 out of 10 for me.
Again, I am biased with a comparitive figure. If I didn't have that, I would still not like the dark muted colors, and still might only give it a 7.5 at best.

I do hope you guys like your's though. I think it is a wicked figure, regardless of all this accuracy aspect, so GET ONE and enjoy it!
It does look great on the shelf!


Repaint of head will come.
That's AMAZING! Love the real hair. And the colors on Les' really pop much more. Great face too with that repaint! OUTSTANDING!

Did Les use the DCD Joker clothing (coat, jacket, shirt, vest, tie) and shoes?

Here they are GB.




Your "Christmas red" comment has me worried, Sean. Do you think it's possible to alter the color slightly by staining the lining with dye carefully to make a more burnt orange?
That's AMAZING! Love the real hair. And the colors on Les' really pop much more. Great face too with that repaint! OUTSTANDING!

Did Les use the DCD Joker clothing (coat, jacket, shirt, vest, tie) and shoes?

Your "Christmas red" comment has me worried, Sean. Do you think it's possible to alter the color slightly by staining the lining with dye carefully to make a more burnt orange?

Les' clothes for his Joker were custom made by a friend of his, it's not the DCD outfit.

As for the Hot Toys inner lining, I'll take pictures tonight of it, as for staining it, I'd say no, it's like a satin material, similar to Jack Sparrow's coat lining and we know what staining did to that from the disastrous report we got in the POTC thread. I'd say live with what you get. It's not a bad color, hope I didn't make it sound that way, but compared to the film it's quite off.
Thanks Sean.

Clearly, the customizers WIN again. If you want accuracy, there's really no comparison. I say that expecting my own HT Joker this Monday.

Wonder what the whole 'dark coat' thing is going on? A difference in Wave 1? Or lighting of some earlier pictures?
Wonder what the whole 'dark coat' thing is going on? A difference in Wave 1? Or lighting of some earlier pictures?

I'd like to know that one, mostly for curiousity, since some pictures look significantly another shade, Agen's stuff look's like what Les and I got. It's not a big deal to me though, the whole thing isn't accurrate and the darker look lends to the more twisted looking face of the figure.

I will say, I wonder why Hot Toys was so off with this one. Yes, they're not perfect and have issues, but most of the time it's like a mistake with a figure, like Jack Sparrow's coat, but this whole figure is riddled with innaccuracies, seems odd they'd miss the target so much.

Customs will get you a Ledger replica, Hot Toys will get you a badass Joker figure.
Let me remind everyone (especially the inveterate likeness bashers, you know who you are :lol) of the following:

1) This Figure was never described by HT as an authentic Heath Ledger Portrait so please refrain from likeness bashing as it was never described as such, only an interpretive sculpt of the TDK Joker.

2) The Sculpt was made LONG before the Film Opened and reference material was probably not available or very scarce.. prosthetic details, etc. In other words it was done before Yulli saw the film, therefore HT hedged on its portrait description.

3) The jacket lining: In the few early promo shots available, it looked red, due to lighting effects, etc, so that's why a more reddish material was used.

Now that The Film is out it might be more appropriate to reserve comments like this until the HT BR Joker pics and prod description are released. In this case there will be no excuse... that is, if the Figure is described as a Heath Ledger Portrait.

I haven't even received my figure yet so I will wait to see for myself but the good news is, there are plenty of options available from our Talented Customizers to replace the head and or tweak this figure the way YOU want it.

To me, this figure captures the essense of The Psychotic Joker as he was envisoned by Nolan, and he looks damned badass to me.

Rant OFF. :D
To me, this figure captures the essense of The Psychotic Joker as he was envisoned by Nolan, and he looks damned badass to me.

Absolutely, if you can be happy with the figure being this, you'll feel it's money well spent.

It's weird, outside of trying to give a review and feedback on it for folks here, I don't look at it really thinking about Ledger in the movie, I just see a figure before me and absorb what it is and I love it, so happy I was able to get one and hastle free. I'm still blown away by the costuming, to me it's a marvel how they pulled off the layers.
Well, to me I barely, if ever, recognized Ledger in the movie, so I've no problem with the figure not resembling him much if at all.

I will say that the brow sculpt really affects the entire face sculpt...if you add some black paint over his eyebrows to blend it all in with the black around and below his eyes, it makes it much less of a harsh transition and makes him look like less of a caveman.
If by "captures the essence" you mean some random guy painted his face and inaccurately dressed up with the best materials they could find to try and look like the Joker before a midnight showing on opening night. I'd agree. :D
