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well I am moving some funds and I have a feeling I will be able to start making offers with in a week or so. He will be mine.

Let me tell ya, i'm not a fan of paying exorbitant, inflated prices for these HT, then again who is, but like Lejuan mentioned, we all eventually figure out a way.

I am happy that I own him, he is bad ass.
LOL you got the 'S' backwards! :slap pretty major F'up right there :lol

It's a total fail - UNTIL - you realise that Pred designed the costume with the number of hours he'd spend looking at himself in the mirror in mind. Who wants to look at themselves as Superman in the mirror and see the 'S' the wrong way round? His costume is total win.
It's a total fail - UNTIL - you realise that Pred designed the costume with the number of hours he'd spend looking at himself in the mirror in mind. Who wants to look at themselves as Superman in the mirror and see the 'S' the wrong way round? His costume is total win.

lol!!! I won't even lie I am vain enough to probably actually do something like that.
Does anyone know how I can cool down my detolf and reduce air flow inside. Temperatures here in Brisbane are up over the 35 degree mark the past couple days and my queenslander soaks that heap up till it feels like an oven. Im worried for my Leo because he is a full rubber figure. Any tips will be greatly appreciated
Air con is too expensive. I doubt very much that is will become cooler as of tommorow. Weather forcasts are bloody hopeless at the moment.
Surely there has to be another way
No. Just a suggestion question.
Actually put the ice on top as cool air descends?!

Is that a really stupid suggestion or something?
This isn't a problem I am very familiar with so forgive my ignorance.

:1-1: Just checking. Thats a good suggestion although not sure where to place the ice trays. What if I placed them next to the figure itself seeing as its the one in danger?

What about sealing off air flow? Any suggestions there?
I definitely would not cut off the air flow. Think of how bad the inside of a car gets with no airflow.

Maybe get a few of them little car fans and the ice so the cool air would do some circulating.
Air con is too expensive. I doubt very much that is will become cooler as of tommorow. Weather forcasts are bloody hopeless at the moment.
Surely there has to be another way

Around 50-70 bucks will get you a portable evaporative cooler. You can even put ice in the reservoir to make it cooler still. Inexpensive to run as it's basically just driving a fan.
yeah I might have to consider a portable air con. How big are they nowadays? I read somewhere that sealing off the detolf stops the figures from deteriorating from whats in the air.
yeah I might have to consider a portable air con. How big are they nowadays? I read somewhere that sealing off the detolf stops the figures from deteriorating from whats in the air.

I seal off my detolfs with weather stripping but that is mainly to keep dust out. You could try that, weather stripping is only around $1 :lol
I would be really be against cutting off the air circulation like that for fear of things like condinsation.
When has cutting off air flow ever been good for anything?

I also find it hard to believe that doing so will protect the figures any more then they already are in the glass cabinet.
yeah I might have to consider a portable air con. How big are they nowadays? I read somewhere that sealing off the detolf stops the figures from deteriorating from whats in the air.

if you will cut the air on detolf cabinet you could have big problems with condence and humidity, this is the worst thing for keeping your figure in safe, you could consider the advice of Eamon, because is a good advice...:wink1:
yeah I might have to consider a portable air con. How big are they nowadays? I read somewhere that sealing off the detolf stops the figures from deteriorating from whats in the air.

A portable evaporative cooler - as opposed to air conditioner - costs around $50-70 new and is about the size of a tube-style 53cm television set. They're very light and mounted on casters for wheeling around.

Actually, now that I've thought about it, 'cause you're in a humid climate, a portable air conditioner would probably be better - evaporative coolers are not so effective in a humid environment. Portable aircons are about the same size, but tend to be more expensive because of how they cool the air. You should still be able to pick up a second-hand one for a hundred bucks maybe less.
Evaporator cooler? Never heard of that one before. What are designed to do?

They sort of work like your car radiator - basically a fan blows incoming hot air over a reservoir of cool water, and what you get coming out of the unit is cool air. I'm pretty useless with thermo-dynamics, but it's to do with the fact that the hot air passing over the water causes the water to evaporate, and the resulting heat transfer renders the air emitted from the unit cooler. A bit like how perspiration makes your body feel cooler. They tend not to work so well in humid climates as the air is already very saturated, thereby lowering the evaporative potential of the unit. They are cheap because energy is only required to drive the fan and in some cases a small water pump.