Ugh. This must be like Karma for me or something... so i go to move it in the way that wookster claimed it did and I did it with the utmost trepidation I might add barely ANY force... did not even get to about 30 degrees ... of course what does it do? IT SNAPS. right at the shoulder. exactly like I said it would ____!!
I'm so frustrated with this piece of junk
When HT sends me a replacement... which of course won't be for months with how slow they are and with me paying money to ship the thing to them... when i get the new figure I don't even think its standing erect... I think it's going straight to ebay
Oh and when i went to move his elbow from the bent position there was a giant unnatural crease left in the rubber.
My word of advice take it or leave it...DO NOT POSE THIS THING... Leave it standing straight or prepare for breaks/ creases and a whole other slew of problems...
of COURSE with all my complaining this has to happen to me. It figures. I swear i barely touched it. Very disappointed in hot toys.