Ugh. This must be like Karma for me or something... so i go to move it in the way that wookster claimed it did and I did it with the utmost trepidation I might add barely ANY force... did not even get to about 30 degrees ... of course what does it do? IT SNAPS. right at the shoulder. exactly like I said it would ____!!
I'm so frustrated with this piece of junk

When HT sends me a replacement... which of course won't be for months with how slow they are and with me paying money to ship the thing to them... when i get the new figure I don't even think its standing erect... I think it's going straight to ebay

Oh and when i went to move his elbow from the bent position there was a giant unnatural crease left in the rubber.
My word of advice take it or leave it...DO NOT POSE THIS THING... Leave it standing straight or prepare for breaks/ creases and a whole other slew of problems...
of COURSE with all my complaining this has to happen to me. It figures. I swear i barely touched it. Very disappointed in hot toys.
Hi, Raymond.
I just joined SSF now because i want to reply to your posts especially because of the negative feedbacks on your "negative" posts.
All i can say is other people would've posted the same thing if it happened to them.
I know i would because i have the same problem (although i didn't break mine.)
I got Leo last Saturday, the right arm works fine, the left shoulder articulation can only move sideways; forward and backward is just around 10 degrees from the default position. Yes i applied pulse-raising pressure on the dang thing, still can't get it to move further so i guess its just wise to just stop and accept the sad fact that i got a defective one.
So i complained to the store owner, the reply was that Leo has "limited articulation". Yes that's true but when i can't do what the manual shows, then there definitely is a problem.
I sent him a PM with links from this thread just to show that mine is not an isolated case and i'm not dreaming anything up.
Some comments...
1. Head joint is uncomfortably tight to remove for a figure that supposed to have removable heads, even tighter compared to Dutch or any of my other HT's.
2. On the floppy neck, i was surprised it bent sideways when i was putting the head back on, i thought i broke it.
Tight head joint + floppy neck = could've been done better.
3. No crease on the elbow on mine.
4. Aw c'mon, its not a piece of junk...
I really really like this figure. I'm just bummed i can't to the shield-raised-against-rain-while-watching-enemy-fleet-sink pose as of now.
I hope it works out for the both of us.
My last purchase was BladeII, when i opened it, one of the pistols was missing its magazine clip, i emailed both the store owner and HT, they sent the small stuff over in a month's time. HT's after-service is good here.