The suits are gorgeous, but they would have been much more beautiful in fabric and mixed media.
Again, I'll have to see headsculpts before committing to these.
EDIT: In a way, I'm starting to worry a bit with HT...
The more I think about it, the more I feel fabric and mixed media wouldn't have been that hard to pull off.
Let's see, there's the basic "suit" itself, which could be made of fabric, it's not that complex. Then there's the cricket like padding on the shins and forearms: molded plastic. The netting: fabric. The armor, helmet and boots: plastic.
What's so terribly difficult about that?
I know it's not easy to design these things and get them made, but it is the same exact design for four figures. Just in different colors. And then, just the fabric (which can be dyed in the four different colors) and the armor is the same except in Ripley's case where it is all white...