Ah. But it wouldn't eliminate any of the other negatives of PERS would it, guyliner, cartoony irises and overly large eyes.
I've got Keaton, Jack Joker & Luke - & I haven't touched the PERS yet.DX 11 Joker is the most recent PERS one I have and his aren't bad.
I still hate PERS though. If they implemented the eyes like the Hulk and the eyes looked fine like DX 11 Joker, DX 09 Batman or the recent Mime Joker, I wouldn't be opposed to it.
It can never break or go cross eyed unless you do that manually.
Essentially, it would only look derpy if you made it that way.
Can't understand the hate for it.Dude, I've been saying this for like two years. Its the same system EB had in their old Bruce Lee figures. I said it was superior than the PERS. I even got some hate for it too. Can't remember which thread. But yeah, its better for the reasons you said, no more off centered eyes and it would be easier to fix if something broke.
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