that's what I mean, the humour is so subtle that is barely passes as humour. I much prefer "YOU DIDNT INVITE ME SO I CRASHED!" to "you didn't get the memo?".
forgive me if I like to also laugh along with a comic book movie rather then be stonefaced throughout because the film takes itself so seriously.
its funny that I should hate marvel movies so much. most people tell me "you like funny scenes and comic book action? watch a marvel movie". that's probably true, they would be todays equivlant of 90's batman then anything. the problem wit that is, I DONT LIKE MARVEL HEROES. I grew up watching batman and superman, they are like my idols as far as superheroes go. if im gonna watch a "comic book movie", it has to have these 2. I did enjoy Spiderman 1 and Ironman 1, but that's it, im not into marvel people. but in recent years, the batman and superman films have gotten so drab and boring that I just have lost all interest. I don't care so much about how accurate to the comics a movie is, its how I feel about it, like any movie, that means the most. did it capture my imagination? did it have a movieing musical score? was the iconography there? for me, the new ones missed this entirely. they aren't nearly as fun and cool and the originals.
I got "Didn't you get the memo?" as sarcastic rather than humorous. And though I did not like how the Mr Earle character treated Fox, he wasn't actually a bad person and was only moving a major company towards a stock flotation. He might have hated Fox but he may just also have loved Wayne Enterprises.
It just seemed snippy and petty to treat the CEO, who had moved the company forward through the years when Wunderkind Wayne was too busy shoving his head up his own arse, that way.
In this case the 'humour' such as it has been described, seemed very mean.
It's called "poetic justice", "just desserts", or, as Shakespeare put it, "hoist with his own petard".
And it is most definitely supposed to have at least a humorous edge to it.
Too subtle?![]()
That one single dance scene with CW in BR blows away anything CW in TDKR.
Darkmagic, Maglor: Get a room...
That cowl looks legit. Only $120?
I'm not into cosplaying but I could definitely see myself wearing that while I work, or while I'm cutting the grass, or cooking, or taking a dump.
It's called "poetic justice", "just desserts", or, as Shakespeare put it, "hoist with his own petard".
And it is most definitely supposed to have at least a humorous edge to it.
Too subtle?![]()
Exactly. It wasn't a 'haha' joke, it was a "brick joke". Repeating a throwaway line later on when it can have some more this case, to help twist the knife a little bit.
Earle was totally the "corrupt corporate executive" trope. He wasn't directly involved in the 'missing' Microwave Emitter in that he wasn't an "inside man" working with the League of Shadows to steal it, but he was responsible in that it was his secret weapon project, that the Wayne Enterprises board didn't really green light.
You get the feeling that he was pushing ahead with its production in secret anyway, without the board's approval, which is why he wants Fox to give him all records and backups that exist of it once it's stolen to cover his tracks, and why he fires Fox for asking "too many questions" about it.
No, not subtle enough. It was petty not funny, and overtly obvious and not subtle in any way. It was also revenge for the sake of it. To someone who in the film did not deserve to be treated that way.
= not funny, not in the least bit subtle...unless your idea of subtly is getting hit in the face with a sledgehammer.
Can't fault the Shakespeare reference though.
Originally Posted by jye4ever View Post
That one single dance scene with CW in BR blows away anything CW in TDKR.
I don't even remember any of that, I just remember the Rubber Ducky.![]()
ignorance is bliss huh?![]()
Everytime I see the scene of Penguin saying he needs a cold drink of ice water it makes me thirsty for ice water.![]()
It makes me think of dat azz falling face first into the ground like a bag of ****.
That's probably the best villain death scene in any of the 7 Batman films. The ****er tried to kill kids, which is unreedeamable, but you almost feel sorry for him when Batman's ruined this little, deformed, abandoned freak's plans as he rises up out of the water with that operatic music. To this day I'm not even sure how he died.
Everytime I see the scene of Penguin saying he needs a cold drink of ice water it makes me thirsty for ice water.![]()
Besides which, you seem to be letting all that you have read about the character colour your feelings about him as seen on the screen, attributing aspects to the character which were clearly not shown. In the film and as we see him, he's a bit of an arse but not evil or even actually bad. But he got pushed as CEO, dropped from the firm and humiliated in front of the board. For his treatment of Fox, he should have faced an industrial tribunal, and not much more...."Don't be mean to good staff, but you do bring in billions of dollars...naughty boy, don't do it again!"
It was a cheap pay-off.
But he got pushed as CEO, dropped from the firm and humiliated in front of the board.
So to counter that, here is the crucial exchange, verbatim.attributing aspects to the character which were clearly not shown. In the film and as we see him, he's a bit of an arse but not evil or even actually bad.
How do you know he brings in billions of dollars, unless you are"Don't be mean to good staff, but you do bring in billions of dollars...naughty boy, don't do it again!"
In fact, the only suggestion that he is actually bringing in money turns out to be the profit from sales of Wayne stock to...Bruce Wayne himself.attributing aspects to the character which were clearly not shown
I still wanna know what the black **** coming out of his mouth was.![]()
I still wanna know what the black **** coming out of his mouth was.![]()