I honestly have a feeling that's what DX15 will be. I think there's something holding up the release of these figures and that Hot Toys has been holding off announcing a DX figure for over a year because maybe they're keeping to the pairing of the DX Joker's and Batman's. Then again you never know with Hot Toys what exactly they'll do until they do it.Call me crazy.. but I hope DX15 will be Batman (returns armor).
Dammit, I really want the announcement of the 66 Batmobile and yet I don't. Shelling out big money for items like that sort of sucksOh, I see. The vehicles.
I reckon they're about to unleash the 1966 Batmobile specs/pics for preorders.
Plus I think if Hot Toys had another DX figure in the works they would have already just announced it as the DX15. That's why to me it seems like it might be Batman being paired with The Joker again but that there's some sort of a delay with the Batman Returns figures.That's true. To date, yeah, there have always been Joker and Batman releases back to back (01/02, 08/09, 11/12, 14/??).
Mime Joker's unique black and white look is kinda Returnsesque, but that's a bit of a stretch.
Hasn't HT announced a DX figure non-sequentially before? Wasn't the DX7, DX8 and DX9 annouced out of sequence?
Why would they hold up the line if there's trouble with a particular figure, just bypass it and announce the next number.
Well they must not have something they deem DX worthy ready yet at least then. This line along with maybe Back to the Future and their next Star Wars figures are probably the most DX worthy figures on their plate right now. It's been about a year since the DX14 was announced so they must not have much in the works for the line at the moment.Hasn't HT announced a DX figure non-sequentially before? Wasn't the DX7, DX8 and DX9 annouced out of sequence?
Why would they hold up the line if there's trouble with a particular figure, just bypass it and announce the next number.
My insanely optimistic prediction: both Returns Batman and Catwoman will be revealed at SDCC.
(Also, Sarah Michelle Gellar will come to my house and give me hugs.)
From sdabbs...
Don't know if it's just a figure, or he's going to sell several of her.
Someone actively fancying SMG in 2014?......OK cool. I can go along with that. I too would accept hugs from her.
I'm sure Freddy Prinze Jr. would have no problem with a simple hug.
From sdabbs...
Don't know if it's just a figure, or he's going to sell several of her.