I love you.I don't see it.
I love you.I don't see it.
Are you joking?1. Clooney.
2. Kilmer.
3. Keaton. Duh.
4. Kilmer again.
Am I right??
All I've ever wanted was a line-up of the 89 Bats, the Returns suit, and just the Panther suit from Batman Forever....Kenner failed to deliver on every level. Could Hot Toys finally make this dream a reality??
Yep, the armor is accurate, the gauntlets are accurate, etc. on Shadow Wing Batman
Kenner made a great large scale Batman Returns figure that was accurate as well,
I repainted mine.
While I am immensely excited to know that there will be figures from Batman Returns, I do not think it was a good business decision to announce this line before the 89 figure has even hit shelves (and while Hot Toys is likely ramping up for a big TDKR rollout). It seems like this should have been saved until after TDKR comes out.
Oh, and regarding a Forever line, I would not be able to resist a Kilmer Batman even though I am not all that fond of the film. Though, I have trouble deciding which of the Kilmer costumes I would prefer.
The sonar suit was kind of silly but the regular suit looked a little too similar to the 89 costume.
What big TDKR rollout ? All we need are bane, catwomen and a few vehicles. The third would be a new sculpt of batman possible. Unless we get a new suit
While I am immensely excited to know that there will be figures from Batman Returns, I do not think it was a good business decision to announce this line before the 89 figure has even hit shelves (and while Hot Toys is likely ramping up for a big TDKR rollout).
Don't take the piss