No harm, I guess.
I'm pretty excited for this figure. It's one of the very few 'must-buys' on my list this fall.
I'm actually thinking over some display ideas for this guy.
oooo a little rooftop dio?
This guy will have some pretty good pose versatility. I think I'll have him posed in a crouch, perched near the top of my shelves for a while.
Something like that. Not sure yet. A rooftop would be much easier than the top of a bell tower or whatnot.
I agree that this figure has a lot of versatility, but I don't think I have the heart to risk perching him in crouched pose on a high shelf. Scary.
Just put a bail of hay on the floor in front of him
(yes I went for the easy joke)
I may make a few female 'escort' figures and try to hide him between them all on the shelf
^^^Is that the model from brotherhood?